Grand Idea Mafia: FoL Edition

The Offended

Apply the passive below to the next class that rolls after rerolling this slot

Offended: Must put REEEE at the end of every post or be modkilled.

Reroll this slot

The Silent

Apply the passive below to the next class that rolls after rerolling this slot

Silent: All visits will be hidden

Reroll this slot

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Court Wizard post ToL rework with this exception:

Turns any citizen into a squire if a citizen is empowered


Max Killer
Passive- @MaximusPrime canā€™t get this. If this is rolled @MaximusPrime dies insantly and nothing can stop it. This canā€™t be rerolled

(Donā€™t make a class designed to kill someone and not expect a class in return)


Litten Protector! (Neutral Support)
Passive-Protect The Litten!-Firekitten Htm Memesky Boss110 canā€™t die from any means at all as long as you are alive. If a class that could bypass this was rolled reroll the class that could bypass this. This canā€™t be rerolled
Passive 2-Immune to occupation and redirection
Day Ability-Message-Message htm firekitten Boss110 and memesky a 1000 letter message they all shall receive-Unlimited Uses
Day Ability 2-Rage-Even though as long as you are alive they canā€™t die from even a lynch. Occupy one of Boss110 memesky firekitten or htm voters bypassing immunity-3 uses.
Night Ability 1-Heā€™s a innocent litten-Make memesky htm Boss110 or firekitten look NS tonight-Unlimited Uses
Night Ability 2-Chat with htm memesky Boss110 and firekitten tonight. You shall receive a nightchat where you can chat back and forth for all of them separately-Unlimited Uses
Goal:See at least firekitten htm Boss110 or memesky survive.

Just say I if you want to be added to the people who can be protected :slight_smile:

Post 538

Danganronpa Roleplayer (Post 445) + special passive for each Ultimate

He isnā€™t litten you ducky dummy!

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(I asked if he wanted to be protected I PROTECT EVERYONE I WANT TO)

(no thatā€™s a bad idea :frowning: )

Post 539

Insert another Citizen class card here.



stop having conversations on this thread it ruins the entire point



Trickster :shield:

Blue Dragon Social

Stockpile Prize (Passive) - I will PM you a prize that the players will win at the end of the event at the end of each night. The last prize received through this ability will be the one used. You will not get a new prize if you are occupied.

Special Event!!! (Day) - Start a special event, with a size being about a quater of the playerlist. You will write the flavor text for this event. I will run said event (1 use)

Swapsies! (Day) - You will be PMā€™d the potential prizes to every event, and can swap the prize with one of your stockpiled ones freely (3 uses)

Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, The Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

ici donā€™t copyright strike me


Passive-Immune to ALL forms of death except getting lynched. Nothing may bypass this.
Passive-Immune to occupation and redirection.
Day Ability-360-360 someone sniping them killing them. If they wouldnā€™t die from this instead they shall die in 2 days BYPASSING EVERYTHING nothing may stop this despite what it says-Unlimited Uses
Night Ability 1-Hold Still-Occupy someone-Unlimited Uses
Night Ability 2-Extra Shot-You can use your day ability twice tomorrow-1 use

Post 543
Popplio - Neutral Killer (Spawns only when there is a Litten in the game)
Who even chooses Litten? (Passive) : You are enraged that people choose litten over you. You are immune to death at night and are occupy immune.
Baby Doll Eyes (Day): Disable Littens or Litten Protector`s passives tonight- 2 uses
Aqua Jet: Kill Your Target - Infinite
Oceanic Opereatta -You activate your Z-Move. You can choose between killing 2 people or anyone who visits your target tonight- 1 use
Goal: Kill all Littens

Post 544

Day Ability-Announce your a robot-Unlimited Uses


(can we also stop making class targeted at a person :frowning: )

Post 545 - Fool


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making classes which rerolls other classes is a massive dick move in general. let people make what ever class they want, donā€™t make classes which change other peopleā€™s classes just cuz you donā€™t like them.


Player may choose any class on this thread to be.


Post 547

Player can choose any class from this thread + they can choose a class for someone else if they want.

Post 548 - Vessel from soulshades game

Why do people shitpost like this
You didnā€™t even out anything useful or a faction or a win condition

549 Knight but it wonā€™t die from CSing BD or Sacrifice
CS has one night cool down and cannot be used until night 3

Itā€™s a useless citizen that just says they are a robot.

Itā€™s my class and I like it :frowning:

Post 550
Scientist Neutral
Passive-Immune to occupation and redirection.
Passive-Canā€™t be targeted by night abilites. Or day abilites.
Day Ability 1-Science!-Make a person death immune tonight. Canā€™t target yourself.
Night Ability-Cure-Cure someone of all attacks tonightā€™s and status effects-Unlimited Uses
Goal:Protect 3 people from death.

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