Grand Idea Mafia: FoL Edition

So you should (remember to edit a class into that post tho!)


A fish

You can’t breathe cuz u don’t have lungs

Make more ya quitter.

stahp posting without a role


Littizen again cuz it was funny

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553: Princess except she has old will-o-wisp

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That’s actually 552.
Kitten, the one you’re posting is 554.


Magical Unicorn (BD Social/Investigative/Support)

Passive-Flying-All visits to you will be prevented except conversion to the dark magical unicorn (the dark unicorn can be any faction when converted but it has the abilities of the dark unicorn. Like it could be a new faction but it has those abilities and is still converted) You can’t die from anything except a lynch. Nothing may bypass this despite what it says. You can use multiple day abilities in one day due to being a magical unicorn

Day Ability-A magical unicorn has appeared out of nowhere-Send someone a message. They shall receive a message like this. “A magical unicorn is talking to you. They say (insert words)”-Unlimited Uses

Day Ability-Magical Beam-Send a magical beam to someone empowering them. Nothing can stop them from performing their night action tonight. (Except your passive). They can’t be framed/mindwarped.-Unlimited Uses

Night Ability 1-Unicorn Senses-Sense if someone is of a different faction than you. If they are you shall receive. You sense that they are of a different faction! If they aren’t you shall receive,. You sense they are your faction!-Unlimited Uses.

Night Ability 2-Rainbow-Make a rainbow that prevents 3 people from being visited tonight-2 use

Converted to…

Dark Magical Unicorn (Unseen Social/Support/Investigative)

Passive-Flying-All visits to you will be prevented. You can’t die from anything except a lynch. Nothing may bypass this despite what it says. You can use multiple day abilities in one day due to being a magical unicorn.

Day Ability 1-A magical unicorn has appeared out of nowhere-Send someone a message. They shall receive a message like this. “A magical unicorn is talking to you. They say (insert words)”-Unlimited Uses

Day Ability 2-Dark Magical Beam-Send a dark magical beam at someone. They shall be framed and they will receive incorrect results tonight NO MATTER WHAT-Unlimited Uses

Day Ability 3-Mind Read-Read someone’s mind knowing what the last night action they did was and on who. (He roleblocked so and so and they were immune)-Unlimited Uses

Night Ability 1-Dark Sense-Sense someone’s class learning their class card. You shall receive it-Unlimited Uses

Night Ability 2-Dark Rainbow-Your faction can kill two people tonight. Also all visits to your faction members are prevented-2 uses

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But what if I get this or meme or FK lul

Also now I will be forever paranoid of talking

Moderator (BD Support/Killing)

Passive-Mod Shield-Immune to all death except by getting lynched. Nothing may bypass this despite what it says. Immune to occupation. May use multiple day abilities in one day.
Day Ability 1-Mod Shield-Give a player a mod shield preventing anyone from visiting them tonight-Unlimited Uses
Day Ability 2-Kick-Target a player. If they were to kill someone tonight prevent them from killing that player. Bypasses everything as its a kick-Unlimited Uses.
Night Ability 1-Ban Hammer-Ban someone killing them-Unlimited Uses. (Lose this if you kill a BD)

Converts into…

Moderator (Unseen Support/Offensive/Killing)

Passive-Mod Shield-Immune to all death except by getting lynched. Nothing may bypass this despite what it says. Immune to occupation. May use multiple day abilities in one day.

Day Ability 1-Anti Shield-Prevent a player from being protected tonight. Nothing can save them if someone tries to murder them tonight bypassing everything-1 use
Day Ability–Powerful Kick-Kick someone preventing them from using any of their abilities tonight bypassing EVERYTHING-Unlimited Uses
Night Ability 1-Mod Ambush-Ambush everyone visting your target tonight. All the visitors of the target shall bleed and die in 1 day if not healed-2 uses

On a side note can two people roll the same class?

Detective Crabby (BD Investigative)

Day Ability-Search-Search a player determining what their class type is. If they don’t have a specified class type the host shall give you what type he think it is-Unlimited Uses.
Day Ability-Question-Question the player to see if they have killed before. If they have you shall know-3 uses
Night Ability 1-Investigate-Investigate a person determining if they a different faction than you-Unlimited Uses
Night Ability 2-Compare-Compare two players seeing if they are of the same faction-Unlimited Uses.

Converts into…

Corrupt Crabby

Day Ability-Search and frame-Search someone learning their class type. You shall also frame them so if they are checked they shall show up as a different faction for two days and two nights-Unlimited uses
Day Ability 2-Mind Warp-Warp someone’s mind giving them wrong results for two nights-Unlimited Uses
Night Ability 1-Investigate-Find out someone’s class card–Unlimited Uses
Night Ability 2-Comparable-All your faction members shall show up as NS including you-Unlimited Uses.


Aphrodite :shield:

Love Support

Romantic Air (Passive) - Night actions without romantic flavors will have no effect on you.
Beauty Queen (Day) - Tonight, all male classes will visit you. You will know who they are. 3 uses.
Lovelife Advice (Day) - Tonight, all female classes will visit you. You will know who they are. 3 uses.
Arranged Marriage (Night) - Pick two targets. If their classes are a male and female, they will gain Romantic Air Passive. Infinite uses.

Goal: Give all living players Romantic Air.



Love Offensive

Romantic Air (Passive) - Night actions without romantic flavor will have no effect on you.
Connecting Love (Passive) - You, Romeo, and Juliet shares a night chat.
Love Arrows (Day) - Target two players. They will turn into Romeo and Juliet. Infinite uses. There can only be one Romeo and Juliet at a time.
Lead Arrows (Night) - Target two players. Any attempt for them to visit each other will fails. Infinite uses. 1-Day Cooldown.
Poison and Rapier (Night) - Tonight, Romeo’s Dance with the Lover Boy will also kill all visitors and Juliet’s A Poison Called Love will also poison all visitors. 3 uses.

Goal: Survive with Romeo and Juliet and kill everyone in the way of their love.



Love Killer

Bound by Fate (Passive) - You will commit suicide if Juliet is killed.
Connecting Love (Passive) - You, Juliet, and Eros share a night chat.
En Garde! (Day) - Kill anyone that tries to target you or Juliet with a Day Ability. 3 uses. Using En Garde! disables Dance with the Lover Boy for the night.
Dance with the Lover Boy (Night) - Pick a target. You will attempt to kill him. Infinite uses.


Love Killer

Bound by Fate (Passive) - You will commit suicide if Romeo is killed.
Connecting Love (Passive) - You, Juliet, and Eros share a night chat.
Runaway Darling (Day) - Tonight, you and Romeo will be night and occupation immune. 3 uses. Using this will disable A Poison Called Love for the night.
A poison Called Love (Night) - Pick a target. You will attempt to poison him. Infinite uses.


nuetral killer(cus no color)

  1. doesnt know how to use colors
  2. any class that was posted using colors on this thread instintly dies (counts as kill)
    day ability - kill 7 ppl tonight, banning them
    passive - anyone u kill gets banned on the forums
    passive 2 - immune to any way of death, if someone visits you they get banned on the forums

goal: ban everyone else on the forums

Yeaaahhh no

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literally nothing can go wrong there what do u mean

That class insta loses

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because it doesnt know how to use colors?

It would kill itself

Every faction gets a color added l0l

lemme fix that 1 sec