Grand Idea Mafia: FoL Edition


The Gambler

Neutral Offensive
All on 00 (Passive) - If you have no uses for either of your night abilities, both abilities gain two uses. Additionally, you must use a night ability every night. If you do not, the host will randomly use one of your abilities if both are available, or if only one is available, they will use that.
Bankruptcy (Passive) - You begin the game with one token. Your abilities can give you tokens, but they can also take them away. If you ever have no tokens, you will die.
Devil In Disguise (Day) - Place a bet against a player. If at any point in the game after that they die, and their class card flip (real or disguised) shows that they canā€™t win with the Blue Dragon, you gain 1 token. - Infinite uses, can only hold one bet at once, they bet will remain unless you change it to a different player
An Informed Decision (Day) - Check if a player has immunity to death at night. - Infinite uses, costs 1 token to use
Roulette (Night) - Choose a player. If that player is dead in the morning, you gain 3 tokens. - 2 uses
High Stakes Betting (Night) - Choose a player. You remove any night immunity they might have had for the night. If they are alive in the morning, you gain 5 tokens. If they died, you lose 5 tokens. - 2 uses




Neutral Special

Hired Gun (Passive) - You are occupy and night immune as long as you have a contract to fulfill.

Sway (Passive) - The next contract you offer cannot be refused. (2 uses)

Dangerous Offer (Day) - Offer a player a Hitman contract. If they accept, they choose another player and that player becomes your target. If they choose you as the target, the contract will fail, but they will not be notified. If they do not make a choice, they become the target instead. The contract is fulfilled when the target dies.

Observation (Night) - Observe a playerā€™s movements at night, determining their class type and alignment. (3 uses)

Sudden Death (Night) - Attack a player. If they are your target, bypass healing and night immunity, if the target had it or received it.

Kill everyone who is a threat to you. (NK goal)

156: The Die (Unique Neutral Special)
Do or Dice
You are immune to all forms of attack except executions, and when you are attacked, a random number is rolled.

1: Heal a random player.
2: A random person will start with 1 vote on them as soon as day starts.
3: A random playerā€™s class is revealed to the die, and they will not know who that player is unless the Die is attacked twice in that night.
4: A random player is roleblocked.
5: A random player is attacked.
6: A random player is lied to by a message. This message can be absolutely anything.
If you were attacked the previous night, you can roll the die without being attacked. (3 uses)
Loaded Die
You can force a dice roll to be any number without being attacked. (1 use)
Goal: Get rolled 6 times.

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Unwitting Murderer (Neutral Killer)

Passive: Unwitting: You will think you are a random Blue Dragon. Immune to death and occupation.

Passive: Murder: You will kill a random person every night. You will receive random feedback for whatever action you think you are taking.

NK win con


Insane Princess
Passive: Insane Princess: Your role is automatically bastard. Furthermore you will not know what alignment you are or who you win with and your Royal Blood is worthless. (your alignment and who you win with will be randomly generated by the host) All those of Royal Blood will be aware of the Insane Princessā€™ existence but not who the identity of the princess. And can choose to speak to you but will be hidden. (Keep in mind, your card is bastard, so you may not be talking to anyone.)
Passive: Locked up: You are immune to death and occupation at night. If anyone investigates you, they will see you as BD.
Royal Finger: While your Royal Blood is essentially worthless (as the King keeps you locked up) you can secretly cast a second vote on any player, which will of course be hidden. (Unlimited Use.)
They have come for me!: Kill all vistors to your humble abode (three uses.)

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The version on this thread. (Social Section)



The version on this thread. (Social Section)


Memerier (Post 124)

Spiritualist/The Revenant


According to all known laws of aviation
There is no way a revenant should be able to fly
Itā€™s lack of wings prevent it from getting off the ground
But floating ghost ladies donā€™t care what humans think
They fly anyway

Named Spiritualist/Revenant


Village Idiot

Blue Dragon Social

Absolute Scum (Passive) - You have to act very suspicious every day and night. If you donā€™t act suspicious for a day or a night, you will get modkilled.

I Missclicked Guys (Day) - Choose a class, then vote that class up if itā€™s in the game. After you declare this action, the host tells you who is that class, then you have to vote them up. If no one has this class, you can pick again until you succeed. (2 uses)

I Thought He Was Unseen or Cult (Night) - Occupy a player.

I Was Jailed! (Night) - Prevent all visits to you tonight. (3 uses)

BD win condition

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Free Lynch

Neutral Special

Insignificance (Passive) - If you are executed during the day, there may be another trial.

Get executed on trial.



Blue Dragon Social

Hippo #2 (Passive) - You somehow smuggled Hippo #2 into this game. How dare you. You have 2 votes during the day.

MY FAVOURITE MAFIA GAME TYPE IS 1 DOC AND THE REST ARE VANILLA (Night) - Protect a player from one attack tonight (Infinite uses)
BD Goal


Unseen Social

Hippo #2 (Passive) - You somehow smuggled Hippo #2 into this game. How dare you. You have 2 votes during the day.

That wasnā€™t misspelled (Passive) - Everyone who visits you will catch Hippolitis, causing them to be occupied the night after they visit you.
Unseen goal

Always retains second vote from Hippo #2


177 - Scorned

178 Kill Joy

Neutral Boring.

Passive - Every single good class becomes a citizen and every single bad class becomes a vanilla goon.

Goal - Survive


179 - Joy Kill

Remove Kill Joy and reroll this slot.

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180 - Murder Joy

Replace all citizens with Unwitting Murderers. Reroll this slot.


181 - Joyful murder

Replace all vanilla goons with unwitting murderers. Reroll this slot.


182 - Murderous Joyful

Replace all citizens and vanilla goons with unwitting murderers. Any Citizen or Goon will become an Unwitting Murderer. Fill this slot with an Unwitting Murderer.



Blue Dragon Social

Hippo #2 (Passive) - You somehow smuggled Hippo #2 into this game. How dare you. You have 2 votes during the day.

MY FAVOURITE MAFIA GAME TYPE IS 1 DOC AND THE REST ARE VANILLA (Night) - Protect a player from one attack tonight (Infinite uses)
BD Goal


Unseen Social

Hippo #2 (Passive) - You somehow smuggled Hippo #2 into this game. How dare you. You have 2 votes during the day.

That wasnā€™t misspelled (Passive) - Everyone who visits you will catch Hippolitis, causing them to be occupied the night after they visit you.
Unseen goal

This but Hippo must get this class if this rolls