Grand Idea Mafia: FoL Edition


How to get yourself banned 101.

Passive - Choose to ping a dev to receive a random ability.

Citizen but must ping a moderator not in the game in every post.



Miu Iruma

Passive - Can’t stop my mouth - For every 10 post you do, you must swear. (You can censor it.)

Citizen but need to swear.



Knight, but one that suicides on any Cold Steel.

Appears as the normal Knight.

Flyer (bd punner)
1night - fly! - fly above the town tomorrow, making you unable to post, vote, be affected by abilities, or get night results. If you are killed while flying, your body will not be shown, and you will still count toward majority, until the majority of living people vote you, upon which you will be revealed, flipped, and no longer count toward majority. any attempts to investigate you or convert you while flying will be met with the result “You tried to ___ [x], but [x] is flying/dead!” - 1 night cooldown, infinite uses
2night - staples - staple 2 people together. up until the start of not the next night, but the night after, they will be stapled together, sharing new states (bleeding, poisoned, converted, dying etc., flying), in a separate neighborhood together. they must vote the same person, and if one changes who they’re voting the other does as well, but this is not signified (basically, for VCs go to each persons last vote, but for hammer only take the last vote of the pair and x2, regardless of who it is). additionally, at any time they may share class cards, allowing the other to see it, simultaneously. this sharing does not count as a visit or action - 2 uses, can only be used on 1 living pair of players at a time.

1day - come fly with me! - tonight, fly! will cause you and your target (of this ability) to fly. - 1 use

note: usage of staples and come fly with me! at the same time can cause up to 3 players at one time, the target of come fly with me!, The Flyer, and the other target of staples

That doesn’t seem like much of a challenge

285 - N3 Suicidal Knight

Shapeshifter (Blue Dragon Special)
At the start of every day you become a different non-unique Blue Dragon class. When converted, you instead become a random non-unique Unseen/Cult class (depending on your faction).

287:Teacher (School) (Every member of the school has one separate goal, and they know who the other school people are, but not their classes)

Detention! If a player was the last person to vote someone up and the player was executed, the last person who voted them up will automatically go to detention, causing them to be roleblocked until someone else is detentioned. (Infinite)
Homework Targeted player will be roleblocked. UNLESS they choose to flub the homework during the night, but there is a risk as the teacher might call the principal. (Infinite)

Call the Principal: Request the principal to expel a student who has been to detention once and flubbed homework once. Expulsion=death, but no corpse is left behind.

Goal: Have no one be expelled.
(I will continue working on the school)

288:Principal (Unique School)
This and teacher are the only ones guaranteed if there is a school.
Seeping Hatred: Every player will be alerted that there is a school day one.
Investigation: Find out someone’s class. (Infinite)
Got a call: You expel someone.
Fire Drill: You get a message as soon as the game starts that there will be a fire drill on a random day between 1-7. The fire drill starts at the beginning of the day, and no one can talk, but can still vote.
Lockdown Drill: You get a message as soon as the game starts that there will be a lockdown drill on a random day between 1-7. Everyone is moved to the same room during the day and night, and can still talk and vote during the day. However, at night, everyone can’t vote, but can still talk and everyone will hear you. Plus, everyone knows what actions everyone performed.
Goal: Get a student expelled and perform both drills.

(You need numbers)


Night Ability: Slay: Kill someone and everyone who is visited by or visits them. Infinite uses.

NK win con

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You may only say “Baaaaaaa”

291: Janitor (School)
Passive: All-Knowing: You know everyone’s class, but can not tell anyone what anyone’s role is for fear of being smarter than the principal and the principal firing you.
whistle : Clean up a body. No one will know their role but you. (Infinite)

Goal: Clean three bodies and get the principal axed.


You must rick roll someone every day.


293 Chat reviewer
Basically citizen but with a fancy name.



Technically they are roles if they only have 1 function
Like this:
Insane salt
(night ability) Attack someone at night once for each time insanity Is salty during the day. Each source of immunity only blocks one of your attacks (heal, passive etc visit protection doesn’t count)

If insanity isn’t in the game, refill this slot

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Oh god, help me.


Rampaging carrot

Passive: I am a carrot pls no exe: Immune to be lynched and immune to prince’s jail. (Will appear as if in jail, in that case you could still post 1000 character post to him.)
Passive: You need to be vegan: 100% night immune, only died when you get visited 3 times by unique visitor. (can’t be died from the hand of piercing night immune.)

Day ability: Shut your trap up: Prohibit someone from voting and chatting for the next 24 hrs.
Night ability: Carrot of doom: Plant some carrot bomb in someone’s room, if people happened to visit them at the same time, carrot also are carried to their room.
Night ability: Ignite: Light up the carrot bomb, killing who visited them and the person who get targeted by carrot bomb.


Simon Logic (Neutral investigative) [This class can be anyone, not just Simon]

Git Lawgiced Simon Logic investigates a player during the night. If the target has one ability or “function”, and are thus a Role, they’re role gets revealed to everyone. If the target has more than one “function” then they are a class, and the class is only revealed to Simon Logic. Infinity

Roast Insanity Say something. Every player will know that it is a roast, and thus you are revealed. If an NK is not part of the first ten replies, a random NK is revealed as an NK. The players are not alerted which one. 2 uses
This is a good read, guys! A random player is instantly voted up to possibly be executed.
1 use
You wanna survive.

(You should add something to do with how I tend to go against conventional fm tactics/logic, simply because I don’t know said tactics/logic)
Reroll into a random class/role thats convertable by the scum faction/s in the game, except that it is now unconvertable.

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