Grand Idea Mafia: FoL Edition

O yes even got my Self Doubting as time goes on passive


Neutral Hunter

Neutral Killer(His classtype is killer he ainā€™t NK)

Neuts Out!(Passive) - Attacks against neutrals bypass immunity and healing(doesnā€™t work on NK) and at start of the game you see how many neutrals are in-game
No(Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing
Wonā€™t escape from me!(Day) - Disable abillities from a neutral for the day and following night.You wont be notified if they are neutral class. - 2 uses
My job here is done(Day) - Leave the kingdom.If any neutrals were still alive you will lose the game.If not you win - 1 use
Is it you!?(Night) - Check a player to see if they are neutral
Filthy neut!(Night) - Attack a player. if you kill a non-neut you have a 2-day cooldown - Unlimited uses
Goal : Make sure all neutrals are dead,you donā€™t have to defeat the NK

Ironic faction tho :confused:

Ideas for second day abillity?

He canā€™t win basically?


Make up your mind :thinking:

some neutrals have i m m u n i t y btw

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I have to make him a neut bd doesnt make sense

You yourself said the Neutral hunter isnā€™t NK so hes affected by his own wincon :thinking: give him a day ability where he suicides if he believes all other neutrals are dead. Only way to fulfill his wincon.

Good idea. But i said he knows how many neuts are there

Inb4 the neut hunter is actually the only neut that rolled

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MLG luck :wink:

Oh sht that might actually happen

I have a better idea.

Everyones been depending on Neuts that have already been made so much so that we forgot we barely have any actual neutrals lol

Most of the current ā€œneutralsā€ are Unknown alignment

Check it now.

Yours is 510



A Citizen that can only spawn with revenant. They know who the revenant is bound to at all times. They also know the complete class of the Revenant bond.

ā€œNo class deserves a hard counterā€ bitch IDC fuck the revenant


Post 512

Moon Spirit :crossed_swords: :shield: :dagger:

Unseen Killer
Moon Cycles (Passive) - The phases of the moon empowers you. During a full moon you are immune to death at night, During a Crescent Moon, you are immune to occupy. during a new moon, nothing happens.
Black Star (Passive) - The Moment you died a single black star formed in the dead of night. the person who caused your death will have the black star linger over them. they will be unable to vote guilty in trials if a trial killed you. if an ability killed you that ability canā€™t be used. this passive is disabled if the Current phase is a full moon or a crescent moon since the moonlight blocks out the black star.
Lewd Clothing (Day) - Whoever you just exposed your naughty clothing is so taken aback they cannot perform their day ability. - 3 uses
Seductive Behaviour (Day) - You become flirty with the target person, so flirty that they decide to visit you tonight. - 2 uses
Stabbity Stab (Night) - Kill a player - Infinite Uses
Ghostly Aura (Night) - Deliver a message to Unseen from the Grave - Infinite Uses while dead(once per night)
Defeat Blue Dragon and any neutrals who seek your harm.

Replacing Assassin.

Itā€™s a bastard game after all so letā€™s bring some big guns! Also bringing good olā€™ unofficial class card.

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The Sacrifice

Cult Support
Vengeance (Night) - If the cult leader sacrifices you with Blood of Mithras tonight, your two targets will also be attacked, and these attacks bypass immunity. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.