Grand Idea Mafia: FoL Edition





Agent of Light

705 Agent of Light


Surpressor of Fun
Neutral Offensive
Passive No Fun: As long as you are alive every Passive and Day Ability of someone who isnā€™t a Surpressor of Fun is disabled.
Passive 2: Really no funā€¦: As long as you are alive every Night ability of someone who isnā€™t a Killer, Special or a Surpressor of Fun is disabled. You are immune to kills at night.

Objective: Survive.



708 Surpressor of Fun

709 Surpressor of Fun

710 Surpressor of Fun

The Superjester
Neutral Killer
Passive:Learn to avoid me!:If you get executed for treason everyone else loses and the game ends.
Passive:I am here!: Your presence is publicized at the start of the first day, including the amount of Superjesters.
Day ability 1: No jail: Prevent the Prince from imprisoning anyone(unlimited Uses)
Objective: Get executed for treason.


Soul Stealer

Neutral Killer
Soul Jar (Passive) - You hold stolen souls that you havenā€™t used in your soul jar. If you die, it breaks, releasing all stolen souls, ā€œrevivingā€ players that you stole the souls of.
Consume Soul (Passive) - If you die at night with at least one soul, you will consume it and come back to life. You start with two souls. (Does NOT work if executed by The Prince)
Steal Soul (Night) - You steal the soul of the target player. They will recieve the feedback ā€œYour soul was stolen!ā€ and will be effectively dead, but soul stealing is not an attack so things that would protect against attacks fail to work, and they canā€™t join the dead chat if there is one.
Soul Magic (Night) - Use a soul to steal three more (from three living targets). - Costs a soul, 2 night cooldown
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.



The Dethroner

Random alignment
Day - Instantly kill the king and take their place. 1 use.


The Fakeclaim

BD Social
Confirmed (Day) - Reveal yourself as the fakeclaim. If this class is in the game, every non-bd player will get this ability as well. 1 use.


The Conspiracist

They are The Sheriff (and receives only a Sheriff class card, and they flip Sheriff on death), but all Expert Investigations return Unseen results, regardless of the target (excepting The King, which still returns the normal King feedback).

The Sheriff

in case there wasnā€™t one in the thread already and conspiracist would be the only sheriff lol


The Unwilling Vigilante

If this slot is rolled, the player becomes a random Blue Dragon class (RNG the normal ones, or roll in this thread until it hits a BD class, hostā€™s choice) with the following extra night ability (can exceed the normal ability cap):
Shoot (Night) - Attack a player. - 1 use, compulsively used n1 (if they donā€™t choose, the target is RNGed)


The Paranoiac

Neutral Offensive
Paranoid (Passive) - You are paranoid of other players. If they visit you, you will attack them (this does not trigger a Knight who is defending them, and you can still use your night ability).
Safety First (Day) - Take extra caution setting up your panic room, making you immune to death tonight. - 3 uses
Stay Back! (Night) - Occupy a player. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to survive.


The Super Citizen

BD Social
You only have 5 votes for the entire game, but you can use as many of them as you want on a single day.


The Anti Death Immunity Citizen. (BD)
Passive-I promise iā€™m not death immune-Is not death immune but everyone is prevented from visiting him.
Passive 2-Death immunity? Nah-Everyone who is death immunity loses it as long as you are alive.