Grand Idea Mafia: FoL Edition


Pug modkilled

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Irony Modkill

Passive: Initiate ArMODgeddon
Any player may say: ā€œInitiate Armodgeddonā€ in the thread. This will modkill all classes with the word modkill in their class card.


Post 774

The Darktamer

Blue Dragon Killer
Shadow Mark (Night) - Mark a player for death. If they are occupied the following night, they will die. - 3 uses
Shadow Field (Night) - Mark all players who visit you for death. If they are occupied the following night, they will die. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Shadowstriker

Unseen Offensive
Dark Missile (Night) - Make a player believe they were marked for death. Occupy them the following night. - 2 uses
Dark Assurance (Night) - If the assassinā€™s kill fails, the target will not die and will instead be marked for death. They will die the following night if occupied - 1 use
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Post 775
The Spammer (Neutral killing)
Spam: Must post at least 20 messages a day (irl) or they get modkilled.
Night ability:
Spam hammer: Spam someone, killing them.
Day ability:
Survival of the Spammest:
Mute someone for the day, making them unable to post without getting modkilled (they are warned of this).
Be the last one standing

Random Thrower
you can yeet any item you can obtain a picture of (an irl picture) at a player, possibly even yourself, causing an effect that item could plausibly cause (at modā€™s discretion), either by them having the item or by it being thrown

Post 777

Vanilla townie.