Grand Idea Mafia: FoL Edition

Post 70


@tardispaten you have to put a role in your post

Post 71 - Snob

Essentially Noble, but must refer all proper nouns as Peasant.
If you say a real proper noun, the peasants revolt and you are instantly lynched, ending the day.
You cannot admit to being a Snob or you are also lynched.

Post 72 - Peasant

If there is a noble/snob in the game you win if they are lynched.
If they do not exist you win if you survive.

You will be informed if they exist at the start of the game by the moderator.

Day Ability 1 - Grovel. Grovel at someone’s feet, making it impossible for them to ever vote you. Infinite uses.

Passive - Unelectable - You can not stand for King.
Passive - 1918 sucks - You can never vote.

post 73- Ginger

immune to reaper and soulcatcher.

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post 74 - Neutral killing prince

post 75 - Los Vegas
BD Wildcard

-Can vote.
-Must post Bippity Boppity Boo or Bippity Boppity Bu on the first day.

-If they say Bippity Boppity Boo, everyone in the game must count to 20. You will then pm the mod a number between 1-10 and whoever says that number gets a quicktopic with you during the night.
-In that quicktopic, you must play rock paper scissors with the other person.
-If the winner plays rock, then the loser becomes pregnant. The loser must then go around the site and find someone willing to post in the game as a baby. The player can only say “Goo goo” and may only vote for the player who posted third into the day. If the baby dies, then the mother turns into a mad scientist and that night compulsively revives the baby as a robot. The player must find someone else to replace into the slot. This player can only say “Ga ga.” After a full day, the mother must disappear without an alignment flip because she’s so sad her baby is not who they used to be and so she ran away.
-If the winner plays paper the loser must say “If I get 100 likes I’ll post myself naked.” For every like, the winner gains an additional vote. If the loser’s mom likes the post, the winner becomes a king.
-If the winner plays scissors the loser dies. The loser then gains a quicktopic with the winner. The winner can then type in thread “SWAP” and the loser will take over his slot. The loser can type the same thing to switch back to the winner.

-If you say Bippity Boppity Bu instead, everyone get a dayvig and gain a lover. Everyone knows who they love, but not who loves them. Only the first dayvig kill will count.
-If town is shot, that player dies and gets access to mafia discussion thread where he have to argue about every choice wich mafia makes. He cant be revived nor talk to priest.
-If cult/unseen is shot, all players have to speak backwards the following day.
-If a third party is shot, the shooter is assigned a random celebrity and must pretend to be them for the remainder of the game. Any time they are deemed not playing to that player’s personality they will be modkilled.


post 76 - 1shoot-Immune Miller Citzen
BD Derped

-Can vote.
-Ignores 1st attack against him
-When appear as Unseen to sheriff

post 77 - Town Number Enthusiast
BD investigative

Each night might investigate the player to know if his role is odd or even numbered.
Each day might check a player and a number 3 or 5, to know if his role is dividable by that number.

post 78

Same as 75, just to double its chance of appearing.

post 79
Neutral adder

-Choose two people at the start of the game. Their two role numbers will be added together. The sum will be your role. You will still keep the Neutral Alignment, only recieving the role part of that numbered post.
-If that is not a post, divide it by 2 until it is an existing post

You have to survive till the end of game.

Post 80

Picky Princess

-If this role rolls, the mod must replace every role that’s too much of a work for him to a normal ToL role.


Post 81
Captain Nerbins (Neutral Wildcard Evil Killer)
Food Poisoning- Can only die by poison. PASSIVE.
Evil Orange Mastermind- If there is a mastermind in the game, he will know from the start. If not, he knows there is not. PASSIVE
IQ of 138 - Once every night can guess a person’s role (for king, faction). If the guess is correct, they DIE. If not, nothing happens. INFINITE
Egocentric- Can be only person alive. Period. If all poisoning roles are dead, he can be nightkilled, but not lynched. PASSIVE
IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!!!- At daytime, he can announce himself, and be immune to poison. This can be a gigantic waste if there is no poison roles. And will probably get you killed. 1 USE.
Arsenic tongue- If he dies, he can post one post after death at any time, as long as it insults the players. 1 USE

Post 82

UNO Player

Everyone is given a number from 1 - 20 in private. If two even people post after each other, the UNO Player can say WILD and call them out in the next post, making them lose their abilities.
If two odd people post after each other, the UNO Player can say WILD and call them out in the next post, gaining both of their abilities.

If the UNO Player is incorrect, the two people in question become UNO Players and the original UNO Player can still call WILD, affecting all 3 of them. If there are 5 or more UNO Players, the Player with the highest number is winner of the round and the winner will start again as the next UNO Player, reshuffling the numbers of each person and the other players becoming Spectators (Citizens)

If someone says a colour of red, yellow, blue or green in the thread, the UNO Player in the next post can say PICK UP 2 and make them have to try to go on a date with two people. If the date scene isn’t acted out by the end of that day then the target will die in solitude that night

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Post 83

Mindmaster, Mastermind of the Masters of Mastering Mindmastering

You are a devious Mindmaster, who has created an army of Masterminds to do his bidding.
Army of Masterminds - Reroll all Black Rose roles that aren’t Masterminds or mastermind based. As soon as Black Rose have majority you may instantly Mindmaster all the Masterminds, instantly killing them and changing their flip to ‘Mindmastered’
Mindmastering - After killing all Masterminds you may Mindmaster a player each night.
Mastermind of the Masters of Mindmastering - Once per game you may Mastermind the Mindmastering of a player, changing them into a Lesser Mindmaster, Master of the Masters of Mastering Mindmastering, who once per game may Mindmaster a player, and serves as your backup.
You win if you kill every other player.


Post 84


I don’t think this needs any more explanation.

ULTIMATE BEDAZZLEMENT POWERS - Once per game, you may type BEHOLD MY ULTIMATE BEDAZZLEMENT POWERS! YOU SHALL BOW DOWN TO THE ALMIGHTY SUPER RAINBOW! into the chat, bolded and at max size, to casue one random thing of the host’s choice to happen for the rest of the game.

You win with the Blue Dragon, but can be converted into a BEHOLD MY ULTIMATE MEGA EVIL BEDAZZLEMENT POWERS! YOU SHALL BOW DOWN TO THE ALMIGHTY SUPER RAINBOW! by a mastermind.


Post Whatever

Once per IRL day you may shoot a player, they have a 15% chance of dead

when converted…

Once per In Game day you may bombard everyone, every player including yourself has a 15% chance of dead

1: If they are the last one to post before night, they get a random Ability. It can be any non recruiting ability. They will not know what the ability is until they use it.
2: Roleblock immunity.
GOAL: Survive.

Post 87



You win if CaptainNerbins dies and you survive to the end


Post 88

Flamer of the world
Day: Create Flame war in a thread : Make Rope and Plex got into argument
Night- Close the computer : Yeah, it close the computer.
You win if Plex and Rope create flames again.

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Post 89 - Princess