Grand Idea Turbo - 4/13 - Town + BD win!


anyone that is town reading me probably has tmi tbh

Oh its not plurality

We will need to vote in like 8 mins or so

i picked random names + soulread this is pure gut at this point tbh

i mean

im not too worried d1 going to quick
also if we pard its a no exe so no

this exists

What do you mean by saying you picked random names? As in?

Alright FK give me your GTH

Gorta give me your GTH

Light give me your GTH

Derps, exist

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as in chloe’s request for three GTH villagers

this guy is town btw

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pheonix write contradiction

Odds are that Eli is town this time.

2 random names + 1 soulread

the dude claimed survivor neut LMAO

Are you a wolf

dont really have gth v
gth scum i have insanity, eli, and one other i forgot

No, I am not, I self resolve in 2 night, lol.

eli claimed a debatably anti town survivor neut?

I remember the thing looking eh for town


I don’t know, I can soul read derps if he posts, but I am not so sure on everyone else and I haven’t got many pings so far

didn’t cloned claim amne?