Grand Idea Turbo - 4/13 - Town + BD win!

I mean who will claim they are uninformed majority :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, it was Cheese.

Woah that’s a whole lotta confidence when you can’t remember the third person

anyway uh we should execute soon

Because ayaya.

Go big or go home.

I have to take my dog out

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I am currently at home

thats not a horrible idea for a gi class

unforutantely one does not currently exist

send pics or lockscum

Exe - clonedcheese, TBE (2/7)
Pard - (0/7)

idk why that’s such a question i always go home

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Because you didnt give a shit to come up with BS reads

But you literally said “one other i forgot”

Just take my townread and be happy

Go to other home then.

arete should give it to me or nerd : )

I can’t, my dad is sleeping

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Amelia has horrible weird tone

and is focused too much on mechanics

im having a hard time understanding this


chloe said no pluarity right

how much do we have left

And she will now be frozen

its the circle of life