Grand Idea Turbo - 4/13 - Town + BD win!

my secret strategy: out and divert scum kills on to me- villager-with-extra-steps

Light was a lost wolf right?

It worked

But we killed you because you were pretty towny

seems like it

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Light was solo Unseen



Light was a solo wolf

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why am i such an easy townread ayayaya

Also I was a vanilla mafia goon

angry amelia noises

I was a very tired alley cat

I like how confused everyone was when Marshal claim Warlock.

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These turbos are fun though

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I subbed in

I saw “bastard IC”

super easy conditions

and then I saw “on the first day”
and I just


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Thanks rand


Hella glad i got kinged

Dark Theme

Town Support
Change Settings (Day) - All day abilities that cause the user to recieve feedback will succeed today, and their results will always be correct. - 1 use
No Eye Damage (Night) - Target one player, if they are an investigative, their ability will bypass frames, occupation and redirection. - 3 uses
Defeat the scum faction, and any neutrals who seek to do you harm

this woulda been boring
cant go townleader chloe as a freakin
stupid support

bruh all i got was one word

I kinda tried to get king

If I did I’d have a ton of power so lol

That was a 10/10 moment.

Thank you so much for playing this gi game

Imagine pulling that from your result lmao

arete deleting the thread was the highlight of my day

figuring out that that’s what happened was hilarious