Happy halloween or something

(you don’t have to in the list is just people that’ve finished it)


Confused Jane noises

I looked at 50-ish posts related to the clue and gave up.

I’ve had years of forum riddle solving practice :man_shrugging:


I found a post that I think is a clue but it doesn’t have an edit mark an now I’m even more confused.

the ones i found didnt have edit marks

i assume thats a mod thing

anyway im too lazy to keep diving cause my 200iq interpretations for this clue have all been wrong so at least i got a cat out of it

I can give vague unhelpful hints


Yeah, I’m not checking again but I’m pretty sure I found other clues then.

isnt that what the posts are for

i can dm you the one im stuck on i guess

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Don’t tbh

None of them are that hard

if i have it
what am i supposed to do with it

update: the tip is both vague and unhelpful

and only made me think i was right on my initial interpretations despite being wrong or too lazy to find out i was actually right


If you have to ask that

You don’t

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thanks for the hint

wait i think i get it now

lmao im dumb i was overthinking super hard

the hint did not help at all tho


i think my interpretation was way funnier tho

ill dm it to you so you can laugh

i said unhelpful

im not saying you didn’t but

i was expecting something more vaguely helpful


wait I found one but the edit mark was still glowing orange

…right. uh. I think I know what happened there.

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none of them should have edit Mark unless it’s a mod thing