Happy halloween or something

Dat and arete are cheaters


I have got to a point but idk where it actually leads

Arete we literally had an entire massive game integrity discussion about this

Be better

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are we allowed to collaborate


it didn’t occur to me that Chloe would have hid the edit mark

despite the fact that she literally told me she was going to

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maybe I can play on my alt

Can i be in the list of winners

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soooliiit gimme hiiint

send me which one youre on

I didnt do nothin

wait what is this?

is this like a thing with an encrypted image

scavenger hunt

but like do I have to know how to decrypt an image to find hidden text to do it?


i did it !!!


Only with hints probably


That being said clearly you have the right hydra partners


im super confused tbh. ive checked literally all of sulits post which contain a joycat emoji in them (not hyperbole)
and yes i checked for hidden stuff where possible

What’s the prize.