I don’t know, that’s why I asked the question about NKs to begin with. If we have a NK we are in a really shitty spot. How can you be so dense?

You just assumed that gscum made the kill out of thin fucking air

i dont get the argument but please dont vote so early

reminder we are at possible mylo so if 2 townies vote another townie we die i think


Pretty sure Eli and gorta just scum slipped

Anyways I have hw to do I’ll be back

I mean we are guaranteed to have gscum who will kill, but a NK might not exist, so I don’t see why it’s illogical to think the kill came from gscum.

scum slips do not exist

assuming the kill came from Gscum is logical enough

I probably would

I don’t think an Nk exists

Except both of them are assuming a nk exists

i think an NK exists cuz there’s been 2 kills every night

to be fair, there has only been 2 nights and one of the kills is explained by wazza, so

I agree assuming it’s an NK is TMI’ing ish but idk if town wouldnt do that aswell

oh and also
/unvote @Aelin @Trochilidae

How are there 2 n1 kills then? It’s consistent with n2 kills, so it makes me wonder. I know Wazza claims one n2, which means it is possile that no NK exists. Like it’s very possible that scum had a limited use 2f1 like ability.

there are two options here
Wazza is NK buying time for some reason, though i doubt this option
or scum have 2f1 of some kind
or maybe there’s a 3rd option i haven’t thought of yet idk

but it’s important to determine if me are in mylo or lylo

how did seth die

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tbh spamvig suggestion sounds as the most likely thing to me rn even tho I doubted it at first

This would be the first I have seen a spamvig and there is no post count on the box

seth is like still in top 5 posters