Aight I’m here now. Sorry this took a while some things got in the way.

He had lots of awkward posts plus self-meta, TBE usually has this obvoius towny vibe from them, and I didn’t really feel it. Of course. they’re dead and Zone replaced and Zone was town so rip.

Aight I guess. I’ll try to recall everything. Didn’t have time at that point due to time reasons.

Me - Yes
Marshal - At the time, seemed pretty obviously town ngl, His posts were also pretty good as well. I don’t think I can so much more about this?
Mercenary - Hard to describe. They have this like idgaf tone I guess you would say while at the same time making some posts which I thought were fine. Merc was basically reminding me of Soul from FOL 30, which probably shouldn’t be something I townread for, since they’re two different people, but I just like it and think it’s town.
CRich - Pretty obvoius town tone for me, reminded me a lot from FOL 30.
Italy - Was semi-interacting I think with thread which I thought was town Italy? I can’t exactly remember why I put Italy so high here.
SDA - He’s doing more than FOL 30, which I just naturally assumed meant he’s probably town.
Boss - Tone felt slightly towny. Otherwise, nothing to really scumread them off of for me.
Wazza - Null. Didn’t make much out of them.
Gorta - Didn’t post much, and wasn’t like too impressed by him. This is like a slight scumlean for me at the time.
Conroy - This was a “eh” read. I wasn’t too sure on Centree’s alignment, because it kept flip flopping for me, but in the end I found him scummier than townier so far into the thread
Eli - As many have pointed out, a lot of wierd and suspicious posts coming from him.
TBE - Already explained

I like to lurk around discord during school don’t judge me

With that said. Here’s where I am at right now:

Me (Claims [REDACTED]) - Yes
Vulgurd (No Claim) - Replaced into Mercernary, who I was pretty confident was town already, and I think they’re still town. Catchup posts were good for me, and gave DGADT vibes for when they replaced in.
Marshal (No Claim) - Still is pretty towny for me. Good tone I would say, and generally their posts don’t really reek of scum at all.
an_gorta_pratai (Claims Tracker, With Night 1 Track on Cent who visited Seth) - Tbh, I don’t really find this slot towny. I think Gorta is townier than all the other people below.
Boss110 (No Claim) - I don’t have a confident read on them anymore, I’d say Null. Gonna ISO this for answers
SirDerpsAlot (No Claim) - He’s doing SDA things. Though, I have weird feeling about him for some reason. Definitely gonna ISO. For now, I’ll leave them here.
Italy (Leader-Type Role According to PK?) - I originally thought this was pretty towny, but then Italy just kinda dropped. I feel like they’re interacting and doing town Italy things, but not at the same time. Italy is a wierd one to read tbh.
Centrees (Claims Messenger Role?) - I’m like super flip floppy on this one still. I find myself finding them very scummy while at the same time, somehow very towny. Hurts my brain a lot.
ridin_with_biden (No Claim) - Don’t like this slot at all. I’ve found some of their posts to be scummy in my opinion, and their reasonings don’t feel good to me. For some reason tho, sometimes this slot feels a little towny.
PK (4-Shot Rolecop) - I’m not good at reading PK at all, but I feel like he’s been scummy and wierd enough to be killed today. They’ve also somehow escaped being lonched twice, which is like… why. Claim is wierd as well, 4-shot rolecop doesn’t feel right to me and I can’t really say why.


Self-Resolve Zone (Hi Wazza)
Wazza (Shot Tyron, gonna commit die tonight and self-resolve) - Gonna self-resolve I assume, so I’ll wait for that I guess. For now, I’ll listen to Wazza if they have any interesting ideas.

ISO Zone (People who I’m gonna ISO for conclusions to today):
PK - ISOing this slot because I want to vote them for today, but I feel like my reasoning is really bad, because it just basically boils down to “PK is wierd and has scummy posts,” which I don’t feel like is a strong enough reason to vote them. I want to actually have a good reason to vote them, instead of whatever weak reasoning I have right now.
Centrees - Slot is super flip floppy. A need a good well-rounded ISO to determine this one.
RWB - As I said, there was something towny about this one despite me scumreading him, so I wanna figure out whether I really do think they’re scum or maybe actually town.
SDA/Italy - Both are wierd slots to read, so ISOing them might be a better option.
Boss - I have no read on him anymore, so ISO it is.

And now I’ll start ISOing people now.
I’ll be here, so ask questions if you want. I’ll probably get to answering them quickly

Also as a sidenote: Not sure why Zone defended me so hard yesterday despite me being pretty much dead but I appreciate it. So thanks @Zone_Q11

Ok side note 2: Could someone explain to me what happened with the anti-flavor claiming thing? Apperently Light changed the OP Thread and it was susp for PK to know about the anti-flavor claim??? Wasn’t here for that, sorry.

you were asked to give reasons for the read “his posts are good” isnt a reason u need to like point out which posts and why they are good

the same thing goes to like most of the reads u covered

why did these reads change

I mean I’m kinda busy ISOing other people right now for a clearer answer. Like I don’t have all the time in the world. If you want me to, I guess I’ll just have to grab some posts from all of them sigh.

Boss - His tone that I was originally nulltown reading him for has kinda dropped, and their newer posts don’t feel as impactful to me anymore, but I don’t think they’re scummy either.
SDA - I was lot more confident for them being town at first, but I actually never really evaluated some of their reads, hence why I plan to ISO SDA later. Also they kinda dropped just like Boss did

well now u have time but like saying someone is town because they did towny posts is like saying nothing at all

I just want to note that yesterday’s CFD was horrible especially when u CFD’d onto someone who is known to be asleep

incase you are wondering what this means
it basically means either he’s Voldemort (leader of the Death Eaters, which are the mafia)
or he’s Harry Potter
who is the namesake of the book of course he’s important

and no i did not know this
it is an assumption based off of my info

i no longer understand wtf is happening in this game
sorry crich by the way

ok so like

dont hammer or vote

i’ll start trying when I regain WiM, which is not right now, but I gotta thing through things

Do you have any thoughts or are you just completely lost.

i’m lost in the mechanical mess that flooded this thread during the current sod
that’s what i’m lost in

Like i’ve said

Centuries has no reason to hardpush and very nearly kill Eli as wolf/wolf with him because even if he does get cred from that, he’s still doomed with his claim

Centuries, if villa, softconfirms Eli because Eli claims to have been targetted by the roleblocking ropes thing n1 and Centuries confirms it as real (having targetted him n2)

So I think that, unless eli specifically faked getting roped n1, he is Just A Villager TM because the ropes do exist if Eli / Cent not w/w and if he was roped n1 then he was targetted by a wolf roleblocker and is town

I am not considering neuts at all, fuck them and their existence they are incredibly difficult to socially solve so I ignore it

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i tried to understand the gamestate overnight
but every time i saw wagons like this i was like ???

idk what derps is doing this game and that means he’s probably town

town still appslot, marshal, rwb, i guess derps now, boss

can somebody please remind me who replaced in for who? i want to do something but the op doesn’t have a list of replacements

Ok I’m going to take a break for dinner. I’m actually having a lot of trouble really trying to ISO PK since most of it is fluff/pointless posts.

also it’s pretty clear to me we should be more organized
that’s my primary takeaway from reading the thread
everyone is just doing whatever

I replaced in for App
Zone replaced in for TBE
You replaced in for Merc