i seem to think that Italy and Boss are thunderdoming based off of what they’re implying

I’m talking about his abils

that statement is relevant

Yeah, indeed.

i’m okay with that statement

I think he’s probably just wolf

I feel lots of red in intensify / boss / centuries

time to search my soul or actually just watch youtube bye bye

Uncompleted ISO that I'm giving up on

I’ve seen many people think this opener is scummy, and I don’t really think it’s scummy tbh, I feels more NAI to me. Like PK can be happy about being town for once, so whatever.

Their response to Surge’s vote is… kinda bad? I know like you probably wouldn’t be intimidated from one person voting you, but this is like the most NAI answer you could give. Not sure if I like that.

No one’s really explained this yet. ;-;

These two posts are kinda just like “meh”. Don’t really like them to be honest, but I can’t say their NAI either.

Seems like PK is trying to convince RWB to not derpclear a townie? PK has a point, but PKR flipped town so idk kinda suspicious. I might be overthinking this one tho.

Attempt to shade Seth perhaps?

I don’t get what PK is trying to say? RWB said that it was a joke claim and PK is still questioning it? Seems kinda pointless to do.

Complains about dead thread state and then pings a lowposter expecting them to revive the dead thread??? @EliThePsycho could you explain your thought process behind this?

I don’t understand how PK misses like the most obvious joke in the world… like he literally claimed Joat in Joat^2 and we fell for it (like idiots) so I would have assumed he would’ve learned that SDA obviously jokes about these PR claims right?

Weak reasoning to push someone. SDA does do these type of stupid stuff a lot (no offense to SDA), so like this is isn’t really scum AI from him.

Self-meta is kinda bad ngl. But like… ehhh I’ve seen town do this before…

This would be a nice post except if PK gave something else to talk about : |. Otherwise, this post doesn’t really do much and just serves for them to look like they’re trying to improve threadstate while not really.

SDA read is kinda hypocritical
Marshal read… is wierd? Not sure how I really feel about that one, like I don’t think Marshal is scum… but the reasoning for the read is really odd.

This push on SDA is like… whatever, but kinda feels like PK is just picking on a weak target. He’s played in a game with SDA before so I don’t think “I don’t know how SDA plays” can be an excuse here…

??? Dafuq is this post?

I’m just gonna… ISO someone else who’s easier to read.



i do not like meta
nor do i have good memory
therefore it is valid

have you not picked up on boss’s blatant softs

Bruh you just took 10 seconds looking at my wallpost : |

i started from the bottom

He did long ago.
And I sure hope he is correct about it.

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what are you, a bomb jester?

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: |
/vote PK
screw this. If this is town… AHHHHHHHH, if this is scum, I’m still not very confident in us winning.


really performative

We are not killing PK over blatant wolf Italy.

intensify if you are town you just lost us the game

assuming this is MyLo
or LyLo

Eli you’re not at L-4

SDA has not moved his vote