And since you seems to think that Centuries and Gorta is my scummate. What’s your reason other that they’re defending me?

I read that as crash which would be pretty epic if you somehow can.

i’m exploring possibilities

Which is fine. The problem is finding the one that is correct.

read theory

explain this more because I am not understanding it rn


Italy claim Harry which is not true.
I know Italy exact class card which is a mafia leader.
I know what action Italy did last night.

if boss is mafia you’re his most ardent defender
it’s fairly simple really

i’m talking about partner equity in relation to boss obviously
not independently

if you’re mafia then they either haven’t committed to bussing you yet, but intend to…
or they are just defending you
should be easier to find out when people start voting because right now there’s just a crossvote + eli

read it.

where did u get info on italy clasd

where did u get info on his action

how did u vanillarize marshal assuming u were checking italy

are u sure your vanillarize ability roleblocks the person night u use it

Wait, what theory. I don’t think I understand you.

My ace card that’s still hidden.

It’s easy to guess when you know his exact class.

I have yet to turn Marshal into vanilla icecream.

It should. Not that I use it yet. I use my other ability.

u literally claimed to vanillarize him what

is this confirmed? or did u just guess it

why is marshal in thunderdome if u did not vanillarize him

That’s tonight plan, yeah.

I mean, I can ask.

Because his kill was still stop even if he wasn’t vanillarize.



u roleblocked him N2?

I said that, yes. And according to him and you, you were add to the chat last night.


doesn’t boss’ claim contradict like
multiple people’s claims?

And I later answer that I will do it tonight. You read the thread?