On an unrelated note.
I will just say this game was actually fun because I finally play not too lazily for once. My final word is in my last will.

I’m just surprised there’s been like… no screaming or anger on MyLo.
Like I expected these situations to involve a lot of screaming… but it’s calm af… which kinda creeping me out now for some reason


hnnngh I might have to leave before EoD

So did we all just lose hope or something?


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are you a wolf or something? Like it seems like you are trying to say gg

If I wanted to say GG, me and Marshal would’ve quickhammered and won.
Except we didn’t

good point, I am just tired and paranoid

I am vibing.
And wish someone end the suffe-- I mean I am still vibing.

We’re all kinda just chill here.
I think it’s fine to relax here, I have a good feeling no one’s gonna scream at us postgame if we mess up

I think if marshal was w he would have hammered by now

He is torturing me help.

Also, if Marshal is town I see no reason to not vote me here because thunderdome.

you are not you could have been rbd

Marshal is either torturing you here or town, either way, if you manage to flip scum, he’s locktown

I am in a thunderdome with Italy.

yes but it’s not mechanically me vs. you

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/vote Boss

if i’m wrong i’m sorry

know that I tried really hard this game even if i’m wrong
I tried to improve
I tried to help
I tried to get better

and i’m prepared to get criticized if wrong
please just try to make it constructive if it does come at all

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