This situation is just… really wierd… there’s a lot of things that don’t make sense here

You can explain me and Marshal being TvT but what about me and Italy?

I hope I get enough sleep today.

/vote Boss @Aelin

1 Like

yes but if we can be TvT we aren’t thunderdomed and I wouldnt snapvote you

I see about a 15% chance it is italy
but a really low chance that we win if it is even if we exe




That was hammer btw

Aight I guess we’ll see what happens now.


Computer being stupid, give me a moment, please.

Votee Voter Votes
Italy Boss110, Intensify 2/6
Boss110 Italy, EliThePsycho, Vulgard, SirDerpsalot, Marshal. Centuries 6/6
Not Voting Wazza, ridin_with_biden, an_gorta_pratai 3

If this votecount is incorrect, please DM me in the next five minutes.

Final VC

Votee Voter Votes
Italy Boss110, Intensify 2/6
Boss110 Italy, EliThePsycho, Vulgard, SirDerpsalot, Marshal. Centuries 6/6
Not Voting Wazza, ridin_with_biden, an_gorta_pratai 3

Flip incoming. . .

A crowd began to form out on the Quidditch Pitch. Two main groups had formed, one evidently smaller than the other. “I’m Harry Potter!” One shouted. The group, of course, all remembered who Harry Potter was… they just didn’t remember what he looked like.

“Of course you’re not Harry Potter, I’m Harry Potter!” Another retorted. “And, I can prove it!” He announced triumphantly.

“Uh-huh… Sure you can.” A few of the crowd members grumbled.

“Fine… at the very least, I can show you all it in a duel. That man,” he pointed at the other person claiming to be him, “is Voldemort.” All the crowd cringed at the name, except for three people. Whispers broke out. “I have defeated him before, and I will do it again.”

The man accused of being Voldemort smiled. “If I must, I shall.” The two readied their wands.

Up above, the man from the day before floated sadly. He could see what was going to happen. He hadn’t expected it to turn it this way, nor for it all to end this quickly. The power he had given Grindelwald was, no doubt, going to waste. And he would have to waste more energy to take it away so Magical Europe wasn’t obliterated.

He sighed in resignation. This test was doomed to be a failure. Hopefully the demigods would prove more… resilient. He floated away, leaving the island. Hopefully, for good.

The duel started. The two were evenly matched, and it soon turned into a brawl. Two versus two. Two verses three. Two verses four. Two verses five. The ends were against them, and they kept climbing. Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, both creative and trained duelists, tried to hold their own, lover to lover, back to back, but eventually, it became too much. A sixth man snuck in, unseen to those not looking for him, and in a flash, appeared behind Harry Potter and spoke the two most deadly words… “Avada Kedavra.

Boss110 has died! They were. . .

Harry Potter

Hogwarts Student - Leader

Passive: Leader of the Light - You are an influential member of the community. In the case of a tie between a wagon your vote is on and another wagon, the wagon your vote is on will always lose the rand (your wagon target will die.) If a wagon on you is tied with another wagon, you will always win the rand (the other wagon target will die). NOTE: CLAIMING THIS ABILITY IN CHAT MAY ACTIVATE ANTICLAIM.

Passive: The-Boy-Who-Lived - You have a remarkable trait of surviving things that should most definitely have killed you, but you wouldn’t be able to do it without your friends. The first time you are attacked, instead of dying, you will start to bleed. If you are not healed within two nights, at the end of the second night, you will die.

Night: Expelliarmus - Stop another player from doing any night actions. (2 Uses)

Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.

Due to no possible way for the Students of Hogwarts to win, the game is over, and the Death Eaters have won! Congratulations to @Italy, as Lord Voldemort, @Vulgard, as Barty Crouch Jr., @SirDerpsAlot as Bellatrix Lestrange, and @Centuries as Peter Pettigrew!

The whole world stopped as they finally recognized their friend, and leader, Harry Potter, slump to the ground. Before anyone could react, six shots of green light rang out, and the rest of the Students of Hogwarts fell over, dead.

“Well… what now, my Lord?” Bellatrix asked.

Voldemort smiled wickedly. “Now… we wait.”


im sorry

i’m so sorry

i’m sorry town
was a depressing game
sorry i replaced into a mafia slot


I had an unvote snipe queued

but I replied to boss

i would have posted it as soon as I saw cent typing


i’m really sorry guys

i replaced into this game not knowing what to expect
what i found was a complete lack of cohesion and half the scumteam rather deep
i didn’t really need to do anything to win so i just did the bare minimum