Reeee vc bots and hosts go meme in spec chat we wanna play FM and it’s distracting >:(


lol faking slips go brrr

the questions are the buildup

thread not really existing

im feeling passive


i made this EXACT same read in my last wolf game

probably just clog

i feel so weird with thread this game

cant pin down why

usually its like im inside of thread and doing my thing

this time its like im separated from it


i dont wanna leave thread but i dont really know what to do

scum can fake townslip just like they can fake anything else

I’m about to go to work but I can finally work on my villa game so that’s pretty hype

that’s my point

I don’t believe ride should be the lynch for today.
But as for the following days, if they aren’t somewhat confirmed then we should yeet them unless they spew themselves Town.


I also didn’t check for what they claimed.
But if it’s an action then I think they should use it and a track should be on them.

then u just cant make townreads because any read you make can be on scum faking it

Italy has more than 5 post so ez locktown

All Abilities are beneficial to town during Day 1.

the whole point of the game is to see who’s faking

Well most

that’s why I am keeping the PLR read

I meant PKR

Yes but that’s why re-evaluation exists.

PKR’s derp could have easily been faked.
That’s my point. It doesn’t justify a read all by itself.

That’s your first post?