What has italy done that is in town meta vs. not.

post nerd

Italy as town makes an effort to play the game and help town.
When Italy is scum, they’re pretty much just existing.
SFoL 61.5 is a good example of town Italy as they were chipping in and helping.

I think they’re trying to read people here. I can see why they would be annoyed with low activity as it makes it harder to make reads.

This looks more likely to come from town Italy as they’re trying to read people and not just exist.

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Read Derps posts

He says he has to go to work 2 hours ago and had not made posts after that time period.

Now read this.

My question is… why?
Why do these posts exist?

Does he really think his ping would cause Derps to post more, or does he want to look better?

Iv been summoned


I’m actually just on break

I’d say it got Derps to post again.
So Eli pinging Derps wasn’t useless.

Marshal are you a wolf

No I just got on break lol



Soul read marshal town

Surge town

Eli scum

Hardclaim JOAT

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Why is no one ever around when I am

Are you forgetting me?

Yes because you aren’t talking

[quote=“SirDerpsAlot, post:496, topic:83887, full:true”]

[quote=“Surge, post:13, topic:83887”]

Can you show a bit more thought process for these takes?