Or, I just am not that observant. As I am sure many players would say is true for me.

I do plan to produce more reads for sure, but you cannot expect me to have said more thoughts… when I was not around.

Like, I do not think I am quite magical but trust me, I would love to be.

Look at me

looked at SDA and there’s basically no content
it’s all fluff and zero effort “c o n t e n t”

a billion gutreads and absolutely no real discussion


This is how I get my reads they will be attempted to be elaborated on later

i doubt there will be a later for you

Merc town

let me guess, gut?


this is overall pretty wolf AI
i wouldn’t have a problem with you being today’s yeet


You’ve played games with me

You know I rely on gut??


i know that town you still has some form of effort
and what i’m seeing isn’t effort

Their will be effort

My early game I rely almost solely on gut

I’m also in a class atm so like I’m not giving full attention

i have my doubts
but there are other things to do right now

why do I need one when you are right in front of me OwO



you have done literally nothing all game you can say this once you have made a single read

i literally just woke up and ISOed derps i’m going to fucking strangle you

I woke up and gave reads on people

i woke up and
/vote derps @Aelin
i’ve been right about my reads enough to be confident in your alignment

Theirs no flips

How are you right about your reads
