@Aelin @Magnus @Geyde flavor claims only or full role examples?

stop trying to use meta on me

its not me throwing shade / claiming its bastard

he genuinely said that anticlaim = flavor name but then it wasn’t even the exact same thing which struck me as odd

if he asked the mod what was the anti-claim

he’d know it’s anything flavor

but his posts indicated it was just flavor name to me at least

which was really odd to me

It’s not throwing shade it’s literally saying the truth, Eli did a shit job actually telling the truth

It’s never ever mentionned in my iso, I literally just said

“Are you sure it’s flavor names” and it turned out not to be

This + your conclusion make no real sense by the way

You quote posts that were made 120 posts into the game, of course the analysis won’t be sharp or anything,

You never explain how this is me being scummy instead of my play being bad by the way.

Yeah my solving evolved as post kept on appearing, I don’t know how you tackled this ISO but it’s definetly weird.

You never go on to name them

Why can’t I just call a gut read gut? I also saw Boss make good analysis of some of your posts and why their tone is townie

That’s not true and you shouldn’t ever say that actually, makes you look self-aware of how townie you are in thread, which isn’t something villagers do

I’ve never, ever read you on WiM, this information is purely wrong.

Firstly, you aren’t “high” on my list, you aren’t even in the top 6/7 I believe, I don’t know why you think being slightly above the null zone means I TR you to death or whatever.

Thats completely like, not relevant and I don’t know why you’d even mention that, I was TLing you because I thought what you did was townie, tone-wise. I do not understnad your thought process there.


Me and Seth

I don’t know what is wrong with saying “we” to refer to me and Seth clogging thread

Also, openwolfing?

I’m talking about a previous game where we were both wolves and he had a pitiful game? I don’t know how you’d ever see openwolfing here

You never mention that

You never mention that

That’s not something I can help you with

You call my early solvy bad but then mention it’s been trending up, I don’t know why you’re so focused on my early (50 posts into the game) solving when it’s obvious it’s not going to be clean and is subject to changing.

Is it now

Why is SDA a potential pre-flip with me?

is it just because I bussed like, twice in my life? I bussed Mole because he was a dead slot in a game with ITAs, if you look at WW, I’m barely even bussing. I’m basically never on the Seth wagon and I hardcore defend my other 3 scummates from D2 onward, That’s a really dumb preflip because it never even thinks about a world where I could be a townie who is correct with SDA being scum, which isn’t far-fetched. Me bussing once succesfully doesn’t mean that from there on, every wolf pelt I get means that I bussed. It’s really dumb to think that actually. Most of your analysis is off and pretty poor, there’s big gaps in logic and most of your arguments aren’t explained.

You never mention that and instead spend quite a fair bit of time explaining how I’ve done townie things

Yeah I get it I’m a pretty good wolf and I’ve fooled you once but you’re really pushing it when it comes to SRing me I think.

I need to eat, but I reply to this when I get back

The games on this website where I have the most pelts are games I’m town in, I’ve also played games where I do not bus (Homestuck) and play for the wolves’ wincon. It’s a really dumb line of thought to think that me having wolf pelts mean I’m scum, you also have to acknowledge that since my last 2 wolf games have been games where I bussed a fair bit, I wouldn’t do it a third time in a row anyways, I’m not wolf. All I can say is that, your push is weird and it makes me sus you a lil bit more

To be fair I saw one potential joke and placed you as a null leaning scum, but I also explained how I think you are kind of wolfy

knows his play is bad
does it anyways

Oh shut up do you want me to point out every time you’ve played badly in your grand total of 6 mafia games or

I have you as a null because I see glimpse of towniness, but it’s overshadowed by a variety of factors

that isn’t the point
the point is that you did it despite the fact that u knew it was bad

No, I thought it was good because it made my thought process clear to all

Was it bad in hindsight


Do I think it makes me scum

No because I’m not

don’t clear SDA for LHF status
that paranoia is what prevents killing actual wolves

Remember when villagers were defending wolves for being LHF in Wild West FM?
I remember.

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literally my exact point

My Scum Reads are TBE and Centuries.

But I got a Red Check on you.
/Vote Centuries

I don’t know lmao


eli sitting on the sidelines 24/7 not doing anything wtf is that

Eli is Town.
your over here throwing names around wtf is that

no you fucking pushing me over no reason but a fake redcheck which i give no fuck about so you better tell me why you’re faking one rn