not a good reason to lynch

I don’t want him lynched, I’m just joking.

He’s at L-7.

there is

who do you want lynched then

Is my opinion.

Surge wagon is a big no.
Derp flipping doesn’t give us any information.
Eli I still haven’t see anyone made a convincing case so that’s also a no.
PKR I am fine with.
Other wagon otherwise are all bad.

Surge is like locktown lol

literally anyone.

Of course apart from obvious town players and myself.

so still no reads?

Fuck I was about to vote you

not only will we not get a good lynch from this we will also not be able to make VCA unless we start making actual wagons


Unexplained Vote.

Believes the claim like I did.

Biden’s interactions with Eli are off to me, they’re just chatting and not making many sense. Both of them.

This post is a massive ping to me since Eli doesn’t specify that Biden said it was a white check which is of major importance. Either they forgot and put it as a normal greencheck or didn’t specify on purpose. Pretty sure it’s the former though.

Random vote since the explanation can’t be proven no matter where I look.

there isn’t exactly much of anything to go off.

I have reads.

But as I stated earlier in the day, I don’t care about them.

Anyways /vote Eli


Imma /unvote just in case any VCA’s pop up and murder me for sitting on Seth as a meme.

I remember not liking Biden At some point but I forget why

Also wouldn’t be opposed to

/Vote Gorta

thats not helpful at all

What about Ryan?

It’s not meant to be.

ngl VC being this bad suggest russia is manipulating it somehow