So your point is

that he said he was happy about being town and you townread him for it?
or is it a different phrasing or smn

italy have you read his opener in Watch Your Mouth

i’d suggest doing that

mafia is a drug
you can’t just oversee a thread thinking on not intervening because you’ll want to do something even if you aren’t in the condition for it

Votee Voter Votes
ridin_with_biden Apprentice 1/9
SirDerpsAlot Italy, EliThePsycho 2/9
PokemonKidRyan Foley, Surge, Boss110, CRichard564, Mercenary 5/9
Boss110 TheBlueElixir 1/9
EliThePsycho SirDerpsAlot, Marshal, ridin_with_biden 3/9
Not voting PokemonKidRyan, Centuries, Tyron, Wazza, an_gorta_pratai 5

EoD is in 39 minutes, please tell me if any votes are incorrect.

i completely invalidated WYM on games to read because you can’t learn anything when everyone is bomb dodging

Honestly, Eli opening thing is a very super specific thing that I don’t know or understand why scum would think “damn I should say that as my opening.”

1 Like

wolves aren’t bomb dodging

so like

I think your meta is kind of lame, meta reads in general are lame

This tone is ew

Same post but so is this

Sounds really forced

These all feel forced as well

you’re just mad i can do it better than you

“I’m town” is

such a common opening

oh speaking of the devil

these are the facts as i know them
ONE! despite the fact that this seems abrupt, i am here because i am taking online school today
TWO! Derps is a wolf in my eyes

He sounded genuinely relieved/happy to roll town and I believe it. Especially, after they had rolled scum 3 times in a row (thought it was this amount)


Did you just get pinged in wolf chat UwU


Do you have a readlist?

i wouldn’t be here if i wasn’t taking online school
so no

This is in such bad faith lol.

I didn’t feel the excitement in their town tbh

I don’t think his tone really conveys excitement