very useful considering there is no reasoning attached

Tracker… and yes, everyone seems to be inclined to believe gorta is town rather than scum simply because he claimed his actions, end of point.

What about the other players? I am not only talking about us who are constantly talking about it (me/Wazza/CRich/Cent/maybeRWB) but also about the people who aren’t talking at all.

Where is Italy?
Where is Boss?
Where is Eli?
Where is Vul?
Where is Derps?
Where is Tyron?
–and what is Marshal doing?

@Intensify would you mind providing reasons for your readlist?
So that we have a better idea of what your thought process is for this game.

TBE’s slot now identifies as @Zone_Q11 dont deadname him

Of course they have disappeared.
I subbed in for TBE.
Intensify subbed in for App.
Vul subbed in for Merc.
The OP hasn’t been updated.

Man keeping track of all the subs.

Where is Tyron anyway now they’ve been mentioned?
I haven’t seen anything notable from their slot so far.
If they’re a townie who isn’t bothering to play, I won’t be happy.

@Zone_Q11 Because you ask for my thought.

Right now I am waiting for Tyron due to XYZ reason.

…hold up, what? “Now they’ve done the same work”? TBE’s last message was on D1.

I don’t know what kind of solve he was doing (I remember something about Boss, but I couldn’t grasp what they were talking about so I told Boss to just drop the matter) but TBE hasn’t been talking ever since D1.

I was TBE scumread.

Yeah this is the problem I’ve been having trying to keep track of everyone in the game.
Ok since you’re here Zone, who do you think is town?

From what I have seen, Tyron is a newcomer who was invited by Merc. I don’t know the circumstances, but with I doubt we will get anywhere with <20 posts of ISO, so if he doesn’t return within 7 hours and 40 minutes, we might as well forget his existence.

So in other words, Tyron doesn’t seem to realise that they’re expected to play the game they signed up for.
I mean it’s the first time they’ve played from my understanding, though surely it’s common sense to play the game one signs up for.

My read on your slot Zone was based on how they acted D1.
Though I’ll be willing to be proven wrong on your slot.

I wound say they’re > rand W

them being new could be reason to slank as either aligment but as town they would be way more likely to be active

I can see that coming from Tyron if they don’t see the need to post anymore as a wolf.
After all by posting less, the easier it is to avoid tripping over their words.

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not casting vote here seems W

Yeah, and I skimmed the arguments, but it was a wallpost reacting to your reads. Due to me skimming and not properly reading, I couldn’t grasp what TBE was suspecting you of.

All I remember was that he said you were a wolf laying low, but… I haven’t seen much of you so…

  • Fully believe Marshal is town because of tone.
  • Doubting Vul because Merc said Cent was TWTBAW when it wasn’t, and then doubted Marshal at P#1182.
  • TR’ing Cent because I am buying the AtE + he should be able to self resolve. (Though Derps fears what Cent could do if Cent is PR scum.)
  • TR’ing gorta because even though scum!tracker would also reveal the info, mindless people like us are more inclined to believe that he is town. (Though Marshal wants to see him talk more, but he… doesn’t.)
  • Once TR’ed Eli, but then didn’t anymore because of reasons forgotten. (One of them was asking me what PR I am even though it wouldn’t benefit town at all, but that doesn’t seem enough of a reason… I think it had something to do with Cent?)
  • Disliking Italy for meme’ing D1, and not seeing much of him today. (Nullscum)
  • Disliking early D1 RWB for not interacting at all, though that seems to have improved. (Nulltown)

Everyone else: I dunno.
All I remember from the rest are you/Boss/Wazza/Tyron/Derps

…am I missing someone? I am counting 13 people including myself.

I want thread to go somwhere

/vote intensify

/vote intensify @Aelin