honestly same here but i’m only like 25% through the thread
this is harder than i expected
mostly because i don’t have time to read over 2k posts quickly

also who’s tyron
i stopped at around the 600 post mark and i haven’t seen a single post from them yet

new to FM, has 15 posts in game

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Just saying I’m pushing someone out of bad faith isn’t the way to convince me that my wagon choice is bad.
Still waiting to hear a better option before calling it a night.


that’s a really bad sign

that said i literally just finished a game where we killed 4 villagers in a row because they either didn’t post or they posted nonsense

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and we complain about townplay here
i don’t think we should
not after that game

Do you two have anyone better?
Anyone that is neither Intensify nor Tyron? The former won’t make it to EOD while the latter is a newbie.

If not, then go back to Eli’s wagon, or start your own wagon.


what did intensify do to app’s slot later down the line to justify killing them?
i thought app was very towny

Yeah the folks at Mafia Universe shouldn’t point fingers as to bad town play after that game.
There is no point complaining about your neighbour’s house when your house isn’t in order.

I have a very very weird tinfoil that derps is w and trying to appeal to me by acting wolfy and get a TWTBAW read from me and then coast off of that, and EoD1 after that didn’t work he tried to look good

this… this is kind of I think a w!derps gameplan? idk

i like how me and alice and crich went to play one singular game offsite as a break from playing here (i suppose i can say that) and it turned out like that

anyway let’s stop the off topic i’m gonna keep reading

Mainly be inactive due to RL.
–which is why I am starting to actually commit voting Marshal.

There a two and a half hours until EoD.


isn’t it day 2?
why is our best bet “oh they are inactive, must be a wolf, vote them!!”
that sounds like the game is in shambles

app slot was towny early and then dissapeared

intensify did give readlist with no reasoning in it and basically did nothing else

okay but i don’t want to vote marshal unless he did something very wolfy later into day 1 that i haven’t read yet
i really liked his takes day 1 so far

Okay. I understand your POV, but do you have nobody else other than Intensify/Tyron/Italy/Eli?

If not, then I personally request you to go vote Eli.

intensify gives readlists as town all the damn time and half the players in this game should be aware of this

i guess a severe random drop in wim as game progresses is wolfy but it’s literally just day 2
can we not use “oh they aren’t doing anything kill them” as logic for yeets
we can pressure them but not yeet them for it because that’s how you kill villagers