But you love TBE?

Me not caring about stuff is more like

“I’ll sort it later”

How so.
Show me.

Sort it now.
I made a hugh wall post on him.
Use it. Decide.

He’s just voting on gut and blatantly OMGUSing
I don’t think wolves would like to call attention to themselves like this

Idk if you’ve ever played a dating game but TBE is that one potential date candidate that you literally never interact with because you dont like them but you also dont hate them enough to actually try and interact

Have no fear, Foley is here! What’s good folks?

Seth imma be honest I don’t care about your wall because from experience your D1 reads suck and I don’t want to go into an argument over that

This is Centuries.
He can do it as either alignment.

I don’t metaread.
Which is because I don’t know anyone’s up-to-date meta lol

do you have thoughts about the thread

What should we fear?


I don’t know what the fuck you’re doing with my slot but I don’t like it in the slightest

There is nothing to fear but fear itself. And some murderous lunatics.

My initial thought is that I have quite some posts to read already.

Life itself.

My wall at least shows TBE’s posts I found scummy.
So you don’t have to go over it rather you agree with me or not.
Go over it with trying to figure out his alignment rather then following me on it.
Decide it on your own.


Don’t care on what you think on my read on you
hate me if you want
you are still townlean to me

When did Marshal self-vote I didn’t see this holy shit.