honestly i’m okay with this

/vote CRichard

might and probably will swap before eod but i find this acceptable for now

I’m sitting here having no clue what to do with 0 reads and honestly a deadslot.

Were the discussion from Wazza/CRich/Boss/Derps/RWB meaningless to you? Did you truly get nothing from the past 400 posts?

With so many townreads and null reads, I doubt that you’ll be treated as a second Surge.

There are two hours until EoD.

You are fine with this because…?

…did you even read D2 after you complained about the scum watcher thing with gorta and Cent?

*requesting VC*

Welp, now my WiM dropped.

Maybe it’s better to be like gorta, who didn’t do as Marshal says and stayed silent instead of proving he is a town tracker.

Maybe it’s better to be like Italy and just meme and not vote anyone.

Maybe it’s better to be like Intensify and sub in a good slot despite having trouble with RL, leaving behind 4 posts and no opportunity to defend myself.

Maybe it’s better to be like Tyron and do nothing at all except existing.

Maybe I should be like Wazza and drop all my reads, ignore the game, and only come back to swear at others without actually doing anything to the game.

It’s not that

it’s not that you aren’t changing your mind
it’s the lack of evaluation but the sudden pushing. And the way you are phrasing this feels like trying to kill with points rather than solving and then pushing.

It’s not like you took a step back, analysed eli, gathered points against them, posted pushed him, and brought those points up while doing that.

You are throwing a lot of new arguments in a way that feels tunnelier than is usual than you. From what i’ve played with you you are usually pretty cautios but are, like, not here

It gives me bad vibes

I’d like to chop in (Crichard, Intensify, Derps) today.

I’m not going to tell you what to think but can you at least look at (intensify, Derps?) as chop candidates

What is the case against eli? (Looing at eli voters specifically for this)

yes, obviously.

I’ve been paying attention, I just can’t find my self making solid reads I can push for.

Votee Voter Votes
EliThePsycho Centuries, CRichard564 2/8
Marshal Boss110, Zone_Q11 2/8
CRichard564 Marshal, Vulgard 2/8
Centuries SirDerpsAlot 1/8
Intensify ridin_with_biden 1/8
Not voting Italy, Intensify, Wazza, an_gorta_pratai, Tyron, EliThePsycho

When you want something ******* done right, you just gotta do it yourself, huh?
Anyhow, point out any mistakes. I’m sure there’s at least one.

I still want to kill Centries today

You can argue about CRich all you want, but you are NOT, IN ANY WORLD going to exe Intensify based off 4 posts alone.

According to Cent:

According to CRich:

Okay, perhaps I should’ve started with:
“Do you have any reads at all?”
It doesn’t even have to be solid.

Which you won’t get because “self resolve”. Go get yourself a new sheep. Try Intensify: Marshal’s been wanting to kill that guy for whatever reasons. Go ahead and follow him for all I care.

I don’t particularly care about lol self resolving

You’re basically scum claiming

If you were a mason maybe

FN? Fuck nah bro I don’t belive that shit

bro fucking FN’s whole utility is visiting someone to become an IC to them like wtf it’s basically marson without making a chat

@ridin_with_biden, you’re not getting anywhere with that vanity wagon. Please vote someone else instead.

@Vulgard, please tell me why you voted for CRich, because all you said was “I’m okay with this” which is basically no reason at all.