Intensify is ???
What are we even doing by voting a slot with 4 post.

voting a slot for 4 post

Yes yes yes, we got it Mr. Sherlock Holmes, now start the voting and thinking already.

Except that exe’ing Intensify will get us nowhere because he didn’t even interact with anyone.

Holy shit Marshal/RWB/Italy want Intensify dead even though he said he won’t make it for EOD in his latest post. If any of you are town, then you don’t want to play the game: You just want to get rid of people who don’t talk. Who’s next? Tyron?

I am willing to be proven wrong here but they only have 1 game relate post, like, what?

intensify is on discord
better ping em
does this count as angleshooting

Fine. Sure. It will be a randomized exe consisting of 3 two-man wagons. WTF are you supposed to analyze out of those shitty wagons?

not on discord because lol but

killing a slanking wolf is better than killing town
stop trying to ignore yeets just because they’re inactive

Dunno. Don’t care. Spamping him for all I care.

this is the “oh but they’re usually LHF don’t lynch them” argument all over again

/vote intensify
this is where i place my vote

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You scumread App? Because there’s nothing to read on Intensify.

That’s literally just wrong.

a slot can be revealed by the person who replaces into them

Okay, Mr. “WE are 100% sure Intensify is scum”, what will we (EVERYONE) do if Intensify flips town? What will we do if he flips scum?

He flips town? We got rid of someone who was TR’ed by Vul and me because of App.
He flips scum? We got no info since both people didn’t spew any info.

Like, why the hell does nobody see this? It’s literally the same as exe’ing Tyron FFS!

Revealed that he is only at post 800 and is basically a dead slot?

this something you speak of
it’s uh
well first of all i am insistent that derps is wolf like you guys are insistent that i am wolf
second of all
vul where are you with your power
third of all
zone is insistent that we don’t lynch bad
this gives > rand v vibes for me
finally, an actual read!

you can’t just ignore intensify because of apprentice and because “it gives no info”

Fuck it. @Boss110, we are making a Derps wagon. @Marshal, hurry up and join, nerd.

/vote SirDerpsAlot

WTF do you mean we can’t? It’s the fucking same reason nobody looks at you anyways!