Mafia role.
The most likely person to be the one doing alternative kill.

okay i guess do so

Mafia have a…
Limited use roleblocker. (Most likely Italy.)
Someone with a killing ability.(Claimvig probably.)

As for the second information. I am waiting.

Knew that already

I can say most if not all of Italy abilities.

@Scum flavour vig me gl gl.

aw crap
here we go again

What is happening again?

i don’t know
but i think you’re supposed to be revealing your info considering

We’re losing, and I’m trying to build an ISO on PK but it’s kinda hard

I GLADLY await scum to FLAVOUR VIG me.

is this a joke
if so i cannot tell


are you harry potter as a flavor

i know this is dumb as a question but I
sort of want to ask it regardless

you can confirm / deny
or decline to answer if you think it’s a bad idea

gah just trust me on this

declining is perfectly valid as an option

There’s our claimvig

i deny

i am not harry potter

yeah yeah quiet you short angry man i’m doing something

thank you
I needed this to clear things up

I will be able to explain this like way down the line but not rn

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why did i answer marshal blatantly fishing
then again i did the same earlier

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