considering u are claiming to have strong info that marshal/italy are scum yes thats a thunderdome

Oh, right. Those two has yet to present evidence on why my information is fake or why they’re innocent. Yeah, I guess this is a thunderdome indeed.

Today I want to look at Marshal,biden, and Derps. If I get to others that’s a bonus, but for now I want to start at the highest posters

or you might want to look at marshal, italy and boss

because they are in you know

mechanical thunderdome

A VC would be nice.

You might want to look at Marshal, Italy and Boss too.
Because they’re in, you know, mechanical thunderdome.

are we yeeting Marshal or Italy
Boss, marshal is vanillized, right?

I was not vanillaized or at tu everybleadt not notified of an attempt

If he is claiming a thunderdome mechanically the it is in fact me and italy vs him)

Wait wait wait

@Boss110 state exactly your info

You are claiming mech info that I’m the roleblocker right?

Are you, without a shadow of a doubt, claiming roleblocker?

Or rather claiming that I am?

he said u are claimvig and italy is roleblocker

I think he’s claiming that Italy is roleblocker and ur claimvig

he said that?

well that

is super funny

Go on


you see the thing is

it’s about time for me to claim it seems

We’re gonna have 3 Harry Potter claims, aren’t we

but i’m actually

going to wait

for boss to confirm things about his apparent mech info

I change my mind quickly I know

where is @Boss110 when u need him


could it be as easy as, like, Centuries / Intensify / Boss / Vul?

knowing my insane lack of skill at playing villa, probably not.

I want to solve and stuff but first I need boss to outline exactly if and what mechanical information he is claiming. If it’s a thunderdome then I can start working things out irt to that

@Vulgard i’m unsure on you, you’ve felt low-motivation.

where the fuck is

did you forget this?

where the fuck is

any progression on the boss read or reasoning beyond literally a single post

did you forget this?

i see no motivation to solve from you on a day that might very well be LyLo.

I think rwb is like
quite likely town from handling of theory-related things and reads

there’s no nonsense, he cuts to the chase and just puts down thoughts in-thread

I see no defensiveness, I see no gaurdedness, I see thoughts put in-thread regardless of threadstate and regardess of agreeableness

I also more or less mindmelded at both EoDs

comfortable slotting that into town