completely invalidated by the fact that there’d only be 3 extra scum votes to quickhammer with when there’s already one voting

Intensify, how much do you trust me? After you answer that question, also answer this. Am I allowed to do stupid thing?

I mean


im p sure its gotta be boss

so w/e

I mean I guess I trust you?
Wdym by are you allowed to do stupid things

The VC has been updated.

It’s a yes or no answer.
Think, Intensify, think what I mean.

I’ll go think about it.

You have more than enough time.

I mean you’re getting my answer tommorow at EoD depending on who I vote, so there’s no problem in waiting I think

Stupidity doesn’t wait for anyone.

give me like… 30 minutes.

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Don’t claim your flavour no matter what. I have a theory.
Should be obvious by now, but yeah.

also nice TMI that I neighborized biden and didn’t lie and lump him in when he wasn’t

poggers of you it makes this easier

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isn’t obvious
unless you’re tlaking about the claiming flavor part

That’s very funny.
Come on Marshal, I don’t have to do anything here. If Biden confirm it then they are in my PoE, and if they don’t, nothing change. What matters is that you and Italy are wolf here.

What do you think?


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you should be able to realize that our PoE is just
you and italy
because those are the main thunderdomes

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i am very conflicted

You guys either trust me or Marshal and Italy. It’s simple as that. There’s no town PoE, I either died and thing happen or Italy died and another thing happen.