Originally, the game was supposed to be rolemadness. However, rolemadness was very unbalanced.

Rolling vanilla town was an annoyance to me.

Especially because Surge actually did express that annoyance and I just had to be like… “this is fine” to not spew myself as well.

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Like all you need to give VTs is some 1-2 use spell that translates into forum mafia abilities

Oh no
Agreeing with Seth
What has the world come to? :^)

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i was just like
alright then

surge would make his role obvious on D1

hey trochi

First post
Seth made himself eligible for anticlaim

Vanilla town is okay in rolemadness if there is some events/other mechanics they can participate in personally.

maybe i should’ve inned after all

Fun fact! There was!

as vt
that’s talent

Lemme get y’all some stuff…

solic light told us the stories of the old setup

i mean your first post of D2 was literally alluding to you having a redcheck – specifically a watcher/tracker check (and scum had a watcher)

you don’t… really need to be that antsy/obvious about it

instead of outting the existence of the check immediately and the actual check later in the day, you likely would have gotten much better results by not outting the existence of the check at all until you outted the actual check

you could soft the check if you really want but you’d have to be much more subtle and not out the nature of the check

saying something about knowing who a wolf is alarms them but doesn’t tell them who is gonna be red

saying you know who killed seth basically just tells conroy he was tracked and let him make the most reasonable town to visit seth and not protect him fakeclaim there was

There were three events for this game:

Event One - Townsided

The Hogwarts Stairs were bewitched, and nobody knew where they were going! Last night, nobody’s actions hit their targets. (Don’t worry, ability charges weren’t used.)

Event Two - Most Likely Townsided

All vanilla townies and one scum player are entered into an event. If Peter Pettigrew is alive, it will be this player. The event will be a simple game of Guess The Number. The player who guessed closest to the number at the end of the game will gain a 1-Shot Alignment Cop if it is a member of the town, or a 1-Shot Rolecop if it is a member of the mafia.

Event Three - Scumsided

Someone forgot that there was an intangible step in one of the towers, slipped, and fell! (Choose from a member of the town, If still 4+ Power Roles, choose a Power Role.)

light u still wanna vc i forgot sorry

i already know i’d have fallen down the stairs


Italy you liar

I see, maybe pushing on my target would keep them off guard and use the check as my reasoning later