Ok entrance making an observation on Marshal.
No conclusion on Marshal is understandable seeing Marshal’s villager and wolf games are similar.
Still having no conclusion on Marshal isn’t what I’d like to see.

Still not liking PKR statements on slots without coming to conclusions.

This is a null-scum lean as they seem disinterested in the game so far.
I’d like them to prove me wrong if this is a villager I’m misreading.

Only conclusion I got from Italy’s playstyle so far is that he hasn’t randed Vanilla due to his WiM

How does it suck?
He couldn’t answer my arguments maybe because he never seen someone catch him as scum like I did because I Solve things differently then most other people do.
I also am more accurate doing solves my way as well.

Is there anything that makes you think Italy isn’t a VT apart from WiM?
Of course don’t say what you think their role is in case you’re right that he’s more than a VT.

none of those are compelling

Just off WiM

So voting someone with no actual coherent thought is normal for TBE?

I can see that coming from Town Italy.

To mention they pretending they have one.

It was super early into RVs idk man your read sucks and you want me to believe it when I truly dont

I’m just calling him PR which isn’t AI

I don’t even know what we’re fucking taking over the thread with

I call you town because of meta which isn’t something you can fake I know that for fucking sure because you wouldn’t have INSTANTLY gotten found out in WW if you could REMOTELY fake that town tone of yours

and then you SR me for doing that? idk

TBE random voting seems more likely town if anything.
Why stir the pot this early in the game as a wolf?
Wolves prefer to not stick out so much and TBE random voting looks more likely to come from a townie than scum.

Shades of Wild West FM if I didn’t know any better.

TF is Bolded?
You just do the “oh it was early man, oh man”.
Say my reads suck when you forgot I have had Plenty of good reads and accurate solves in the past. I don’t always have accurate reads no, unless I’m fully invested into the game and in MYLO/LYLO it always has a chance to be inaccurate but in that sense it would be accurate as I’d make the right choice come MYLO/LYLO.
I want you to believe my reads suck? You smokin fuckin doodogs?
No I want you to look at my read with an open mind and state your own read about them.
IDGAF if you don’t think my reads are good but at least look at them and take them into consideration.

Thing is.
He’s not directly “random voting”
He’s voting someone and acting like he has an actual scum read/lean/gut on them.

So you think your more superior then me?
You think I’m incapable of improving?

How about instead of “Meta” find something else or multiple things In my ISO that comes from more of a Town PoV then a Scum PoV Or at least something other then “Meta” to define your TR on me.


I don’t care about you I’m just going to mute you. I think you randed town PERIOD.

Okay sure

He said in pre-game he would slank

Your answer

Anybody with more than 5 games played with you would immediatly call you town and wait once again

How is that any scummy

You’re obvious town, good?

Is his read TMI?

Anyone has fucking TMI on you everytime you rand town / scum

That’s not scummy

That’s not scummy

That’s Hedgy and Hedgy isn’t scummy

Idk what you see but I DO NOT.


A Town me wouldn’t ever fucking feel the need to read that 100 post ISO in order to prove you’re town when it is so OBVIOUS we’re at a point where I don’t even want to tlak to you anymore

Centuries is right

I’m not going to argue with seth it bloats thread and he is not listening to reason and has not for as long as i’ve known him.

@ChopChop you should not wolfread centuries specifically for calling you town off of meta.

Because you do have an obvious meta. That is how I perceive it, that is how he does, and that is how almost everyone in this game does. Even if you disagree that does not change how a person’s reads are formulated

Please take a break from thread. You should post cap yourself. Even if your reads are really good, a large amount of posts can choke thread and is hard to work around. I’d suggest capping yourself at 200 posts. Even if it means you post less, it causes your posts you do make to have more effect and people will be likelier to read and listen to them.

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