Alright though don’t forget you have a game to play.

Oh hey, not 1000+ post overnight for once. As always, ping me if you need something. I will go read the thread now.

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Yes, I don’t spend every hour of my day putting in job applications

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@Boss110 have you back thread the thread yet?
If you have, who do you town read and scum read?

I am currently at post 100 and writing while also reading at the same time. As to answer your question, no, not yet.

he arrives

Take your time. We still have 40 hours of discussion time left.

sure is lonely here

Yes it is.
Who are your town reads so far?
Anyone you scum read in particular?

haven’t really examined anyone yet
it’s been a while and i have nothing better to do so i might start checking out the higher posters

cmon do something

on second thought i’m going to sleep
like a normal human bei-
oh god what am i doing

i’ll start making reads en masse tomorrow

It’s hard to make good reads when you’re sleep deprived.
Don’t sweat it.

Instead of complaining about the thread do something

Isn’t that a very obvious thing in mash, unless it somehow is not. Why do you feel the need to yell anyway?

Basically all my thoughts.
Surge (Seth?) - I like his aggresiveness as a VT(?). Right now, he is basically everywhere. Attacking everyone with his sometime nonsense but also actually somewhat a good question which yield result. He is a townlean until I find a GOOD reason not to.
Foley - Very strong early game. His opening post is interesting in a good way. How do I explain it? The feeling I get that he is some some sort of super sercet agent who is ready to jump in and fght all wolves at once, maybe? Overall, as long as he keep up with his current play this can go in the town list.
Biden - Ok, hear me out. I like his laidback attitude. People may be scumreading him and what not but he is still just going on with his life and make read like usual instead of immediately went to the defensive route like what wolf will usually do. His read may not be good but I doubt he is a wolf, and if he somehow is, town should start doing something because he is not threatened at all.
Eli - I don’t know his meta so we won’t be talking about that. His entrace is an interesting one, but personally, NAI at best. Him sharing his information on the fact that scum can anti-claim vig only if someone claim their flavour and go on the length as to argue with Conroy the difference between “ability name” and “ability description” does give him a better look. He is not a nullread, but also not someone I will say with high confidence is town.
TBE - He just… exist? His read are short and doesn’t provide much, both in reasoning and adding new content. I tried reading his ISO over and over but there’s nothing I can really find. I am putting this here to remind me later, as someone with 40+ post but I somehow can’t find anything to talk about is weird, to say the least.
My thoughts but it exist for no good reason.
Italy - It take the sun 250 million years to orbit the galaxy but it still does it in exact time, unlike Italy.

I probably have more read and I am aware I haven’t read everyone but I am going to post this here right now because I think the post is enough for people to interact with and also because the gamethread is in inactive state right now.

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To the people who complained about lack of flashy stuff happening. Here is “something.”
Anyway, I am going to write another read post. Not really a good idea to put too much stuff in one cramped space anyway. So expected more later.

Perhaps I’ve misjudged Biden here.
I’ll see how they play the game and I’m willing to take my vote off of them if they prove they’re socially town.

It doesn’t have to be flashy. As long as the thread discussion is productive, then that is a good thing.

What’s your opinion on TBE?

it’s common sense, yes, but in many past games common sense has been lacking so I wanted to make sure people knew not to do it just in case they were thinking about it.

kind of like this read, will mull the rest of the post over.