It’s fuckin annoying.
I want to me TR’ed for yeeting strong scum.
Not because “lol meta”.

Or at least TR’ed for an actual reason other then “lol Meta”.

the problem here is that you hardly ever yeet strong scum
but im not gonna delve into how to improve townplay because i suck at that too

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Let’s change that to TBE.
Would you gain a wolf pelt?

maybe :eyes:

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I mean Surge is one of the most obvious villager/wolf on this website, if not the most obvious villager/wolf.

I did it in that one Mafia451 game with the help of FireKitten.

I don’t know your meta and townread you for your pushes, if it helps. I know the feeling.
I’ll need to reanalyze Cent in a pinch because I townread him very early

would yeeting you give me a wolf pelt :eyes:

Well I found the scum

key word

And Kitten helped push it once they also seen it.

I’m talking about the entire scum team.
And I have done that like about 5 times.

Maybe more

how’s about we all shut up about seth
and start talking about other things

I mean in that one Sc2 Mafia game I solved the Virus Day 2 and the Mafia Day 1.

Yeah, fuck Seth!

Interesting… :thinking:

I’d disagree.
Did you read my Pig Spider Monkey game?

I was pretty damn Townie