when it’s not tense EoD i will go back and read
probs during the night


Apprentice is in this game

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I don’t really have much thoughts about app besides the WiM dip feeling kind of like someone who didnt want to rand town and is just riding out the game

in the end I feel about the same on it as PKR

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What since when

SDA reaction good
(it wasn’t an RT but same thing)
/vote PKR @Aelin @Trochilidae @Amelia


Legit didn’t know he was in the game lmao

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arguments agaisnt sda are overblown i feel
eli its more of a lack of doing anything than being 200% scummy
pkr is probably a hit based on? I think my read on him sucks because it’s more of a association based one so idk?

/vote apprentice

PKR could be wolf because I don’t really know who else would be?

Gorta / App / PKR / Tyron are all nulls that probably contains a number fo wolves cuz I dont know how I really feel abt anyone else being w

biden no
bad vote

I would say let app slot

Fix itself in the nigjt

Apprentice is a slot that really needs to deliver again tomorrow, but I don’t want to lynch today, because the posts that they had made were decent.

If gorta isn’t obv town by EoD tomorrow I wanna go their.

I’mn semi worrieed gorta won’t be able to obvtown himself tommorow but meh


Iv only struggled to find him V like once and that was cuz MU so it changed his posting style a bit

/vote pkr

VC @Aelin @Trochilidae
this may or may not be L-2 depending on biden’s previous vote

I still wanna go Eli