this is going to e fun

Anyway Centuries seem for some reason very determinated at scumreading me.

Your observation totally sucked

I totally acknowledged that fact

Despite the fact this post

Hints at me thinking you’re town

Your post actually makes you look worse because of your reaction



ah yep forgot that first post of yours
back to nullreading ya

Hi there, looking forward to this game, should be good fun.
I love the theme.

Not too much of note as for now.
Seth claiming VT is a bit meh but I liked how one person thought that Seth might get anti claimed and then Light already established what will hit anti claim and what will not.

So far I think Light is town lean and Marshal too since Marshal has had quite a natural thread presence.

He’s the host


Marshal and Eli.
Both Town!

I, too, think Light is townlean.


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I said this way before they mentioned this?
Slight Null SR on you for this post here

Can confirm the host is town


I think your point is bad and does not analyze at all what my post intended to do

The read might have been early but I think you could have done better or given more thought to it.

A lot of your early reads feel

Like they have reasons but they all feel like they assume things or are stretches.

I’ll ignore read on me for now cuz that could warp my perception but your merc read (1 and 2) feel like a stretch and then ignoring evidence respectively.

Your Eli read is “good look that he knew the anticlaim”…?

Why Is this town AI

And why post it if you are going to reverse it immediately after in the same post


These reads feel like they are made to make reads not to catch wolves

you are going to need better reasoning behind them or I’m gonna keep thinking they are BS

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Their lack of reaction is what is scummy

I think your susp.
What makes you not susp?

Town Core

Response is fine enough :man_shrugging:

Good start pkr, good start.

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@PokemonKidRyan why did you townlean light?

Because stupid trying to read early shenanigans and Light said something that if they were not host, it would be towny lmao

Yeah Light’s a Town Lean eh?
Can you go more in depths on your TR on Light?

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