First time someone made a read of x on x person.

Everyone who was accusing this person

Ask the people voting RWB.

Circumstances have been highly sad and for some reasonsTM I don’t feel like, good about this game, thread feels void of any fucking things and its not heading the way I’d like

Also Zone please elaborate your read on me? Is it linked to my early game?

…ya, this ain’t helping anyone. @Marshal, get over here and help me by answering the questions I asked for Merc.

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I feel like I’m getting ignored and it’s something I highly dislike so mh idk fucking dont ignore me i guess

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Yep. I am 300 posts in, and I don’t like anything about you, because:

  • townreads Merc based off 4 posts?
  • optimist about reads when Merc said there was nothing to be read atm
  • FoS Marshal/Merc
  • hedging Eli
  • uses own ISO as defense (we’re birdbrains, you moron)
  • wants “good content” from Eli after a “bruh” comment
  • distancing from TBE (unfortunately, I now know TBE is town)
  • backed off from Marshal after a post and wanted a do-over

what do I actually need to answer?

  • What is a solo read, and who did you solo read?
  • Who scumread RWB?
  • Who actually voted RWB and left the wagon? I only know of App who stayed in the wagon at EOD.

–also as a bonus: Please tell me you scumlean or scumread Merc?

Explained later / totally different

is that actually scummy

is that actually scummy when i had a vote on someone i sr’d more at the time

I think it’s justified?

The Marshal post? He attacked my posts so obviously I’ll defend them

That’s pretty normal? He did nothing after getting TR’d, how is that even scummy

That’s not even scummy if you have a town role pm wtf


  1. IDK man that was what merc said not me
  2. I knew a few people in-thread did, I was trying to get them to lay the case out in simple terms to push it anad adress it.
  3. I don’t have specific names, but you can look at the VCs

Bonus: I am at this point considering it but still have a light townlean on merc

What is this leap. I feel like you jump from point 1 to 3 and ignore 2

Also, hi Zone. I have a question for TBE but I guess I will ask you instead.

Zone now that you’re here, who do you think is town?

Nope. I am just an annoying pessimist.

Yep, because I townread both of them at the time. Plus, your townread on Merc switched into a FoS, followed by a “I hate it” and then a vote.

Not for this stubborn me.

Except you didn’t defend them by re-telling your stance. You just said: “It’s all in my ISO,” which means literal nothing to me, the birdbrain.

If he got TR’d, then why would you ask him to give something more productive? I didn’t see you TR’ing Eli at all. Instead you were hedging him.

I have a town role. I know that now.
But when I read TBE before I got my role, I was scumleaning TBE. In other words, you were avoiding interacting with someone with a bad reputation.

P#271. It’s a wall post.
Marshal’s reply is in P#276, accepting the fresh start.

Scumreading (at the time) people you townread = scummy… because?

The townread was a tinfoil that people pointed out as being wrong

I’m mean that’s still not scummy

I didn’t really TR him at all, quite the opposite, I was angry because all he did was post unfunny fluff reacting to posts of mine in hope of shading me

No, I just didn’t bother to read him

Only morons’ reads dont evolve

I think most of your arguments are in bad faith.


Welp, okay. I don’t know what solo reads mean, I don’t get the specific names of those who scumread RWB, and my evaluation of Merc is still worsening. (Not that she’ll care anyway.)

…at this point, the original stance of “Zone thinks Merc is wrong about scumreading Marshal a.o. because he wastes time” is being forgotten. :unamused:

Obvious town. No protective on him is questionable but this kill always come from scum.

Might just be because his read is good. But I personally think that scum kill Foley just because he is a strong player who is unlikely to be protected and can be a threat later on. Or maybe it’s both.

Sure. Go ahead and shoot.

Originally Marshal, Eli, App, and Merc.
Now I am having second thoughts on Merc.
–by the way, why is Eli voting you?