Votee Voter Votes
SirDerpsAlot Italy 1/8
CRichard564 Vulgard, Marshal, EliThePyscho, ridin_with_biden, SirDerpsAlot 5/8
EliThePsycho Centuries, CRichard564, Zone_Q11 3/8
Not voting Intensify, Wazza, an_gorta_pratai, Tyron, Boss110

If this votecount is incorrect, DM me in your classcard within the next four minutes.

Final VC

Votee Voter Votes
SirDerpsAlot Italy 1/8
CRichard564 Vulgard, Marshal, EliThePyscho, ridin_with_biden, SirDerpsAlot 5/8
EliThePsycho Centuries, CRichard564, Zone_Q11 3/8
Not voting Intensify, Wazza, an_gorta_pratai, Tyron, Boss110

Flip incoming. . .

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Just like the night before, the island was chilly, even inside the replica of Hogwarts. Heavy fog started to creep through the windows. The place was starting to seem so… empty. Out on the “Quidditch Pitch” that was really just the rest of the island, a Wizard’s Duel was about to begin.

“You’re not one of us, are you?” One man howled.

“I am, I am!” The other responded. The first shook his head.

“No, I don’t believe you. I challenge you to a Wizard’s Duel to the death!”

“I- this is a terrible idea! I’m on your side!”

“Do it or we’ll kill you anyway,” another person piped up from the crowd.

Unseen from down below, a figure watched on in glee. “It’s like Twelve Angry Jurors… if they all had guns!”

“Fine, fine!” The second person finally responded. “I’ll do it!” The two walked a distance apart, and then turned around, hands over their wands.

A countdown rung out. “Three… Two… One… Zero!” A spell flashed out instantly. However, it hadn’t come from either of the duellists. It had come from someone in the crowd. The second man fell over, dead instantly.

Like the day before, the fog in each person’s mind faded away as they were able to recognize the body laying in front of them. Smirking with glee, the mysterious figure watched as the Students laid, crying, in front of the body of their friend.

CRichard564 has died!
He was. . .

Cho Chang

Hogwarts Student - Vanilla

Your greatest power is your brain - Use it and your voice to defeat the Death Eaters.

Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.

Night Two has begun, and will end at 2020-09-26T16:30:00Z. The action window will close 1 hour before EoN.

While going through CRichard564’s belongings because that’s what you do when you murder your friends, you found a scroll with marks painstakingly etched into it.

CRichard564 left logs!

Boss110: They’re clearly engaging with people and their posts don’t show any signs of being stilted.
Vulgard: Slot that filled in for Mercenary and they still approach the game pretty similar to how Mercenary did with being solvey and doing their best to help town.
Ridin with Biden: Still the same as D1, they are still solving and asking good questions.
Zone Q11: Their attempt to revive thread discussion doesn’t make sense if they were a wolf as I’ve explained before.

Slots I think are town, yet less confident.
Italy: This slot has village and wolf meta as different as night and day.
Right now I think this is village meta as they’re playing the game they signed up for.
Apprentice/Intensify: While this slot did start strong D1, they petered out up to D2.
I still hope I’m right about this slot still being town as I read them before.
Gorta: I’m pretty sure their red check is from a townie here, seeing as they tracked Centuries who is capable of playing well as either village or wolf.
Wazza: I detect a don’t care attitude coming from this slot, which is sorta towny.

Toss up:
SirDerpsAlot: This slot is one of the harder ones to read from personal experience. Though I’m willing to up this to slight village read if my understanding of their village meta is correct.
Centuries: Apparently this slot is self resolving, so my read on them isn’t too important.
Marshal: Good content, yet NAI coming from this slot.
If they live too long, dunk him.

Tyron: This could be a wolf who stopped caring about the game.
Eli: Yeah this slot needs to be resolved sooner or later.
The fact that they froze after I asked multiple times for them to do something makes me sure I just caught a wolf.

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The sun rises. The mood in the castle is noticeably more subdued than before. Four of their childhood friends are dead, and all the Students of Hogwarts can wonder is… Why?

The group starts to gather, slowly coalescing in the Great Hall. It was then that they noticed, with much sadness, more people missing from their group. They trekked together silently, making their ways back to the rooms that they had spent the night in.

As if to taunt them, the universe played games with their mind. The bodies of Zone_Q11 and Tyron both still appeared to be sleeping, but they were cold to the touch, and as soon as they were given momentum, they slumped over and fell to the floor.

Zone_Q11 has died! He was. . .

Luna Lovegood

Hogwarts Student - Investigative - Mech Oracle

Night: Whispers from the Nargles - You may request from the host a single piece of mech information from one of the following categories - Neutrals, Death Eaters, Rolelist (Light or Dark). (1 Use)

He also left the following logs.

So… TBE used this ability as “Rolelist - Light” and revealing the result will only do good to scum since it gave me the ability name of a town member. As such, I won’t say what it was.


  • [Vulgard]: I like his attitude of not wanting to vote the inactive, unlike Marshal/Italy/RWB. In the end, he offered to swap wagons if I could give him a reason within 20 seconds. I couldn’t do that since I am a pessimist and because Boss left me. As I said, it would’ve become a rand at best, and VCA on rand are so iffy that I just gave up on CRich.


  • [Boss110]: I like that he votes off Marshal, but I kind of doubt him because he unvoted Eli at the last second. He said he wanted to follow my vote, but then doesn’t?
  • [Centuries]: I already stated I bought his AtE. Whether he lives or dies afterwards, I don’t particularly care anymore.


  • [Intensify]: I mindmelded a lot with Apprentice in the first 300 posts, and I want to give Intensify a chance to talk, which is something that Marshal/Italy/RWB won’t give.
  • [an_gorta_pratai]: He claimed tracker and Cent confirmed, but he didn’t talk more as Marshal wanted, which is the sole reason I won’t even put him in townlean.
  • [SirDerpsAlot]: The literal singular reason that I am putting him above null is because Eli started the wagon, and was wagonned without any resistance by me, Boss, RWB, and Italy.


  • [Tyron]: I can’t make a read of someone who’s not in the game. Having that said, even if he is not in the game, I would rather wait until the mods decide to sub him out rather than waste the whole slot in its entirety.
  • [Marshal]: I townread him at first, but then he started tunneling Intensify. He said that I am licking his feet or whatever, and you know what? Sure! I will lick Intensify’s feet if it means that you can stop being dumb! The guy subbed in for App -someone I mindmeld a lot with- and only has 4 posts. YOU CANNOT LYNCH SOMEONE BASED OFF 4 VOTES ALONE. You don’t like his reads without any explanations, I understand. But he already said that he won’t make it for EOD and can’t talk anymore. What was so scummy about him informing us that he can’t talk for the rest of D2 that he had to die?


  • [ridin_with_biden]: I don’t see why people townread him aside from tone. He wanted Intensify dead, and that’s already a bad sign. He said he is fine with Tyron/Italy/Eli, and what did he do? He jumped off Eli’s wagon to vote CRich.
  • [Wazza]: D1: I have reads. But as I stated earlier in the day, I don’t care about them. (P#1255), I am playing. I just don’t have anything to contribute. So I won’t contribute what I don’t have. (P#1266), result: Didn’t vote anyone D1. D2: I’m sitting here having no clue what to do with 0 reads and honestly a deadslot. (P#2437), I’ve been paying attention, I just can’t find my self making solid reads I can push for. (P#2446), result: Didn’t vote anyone D2. HOLY SHIT, ARE YOU GOING TO FUCKING DO SOMETHING OR WHAT!?
  • [Italy]: He did a load of nothing at D2. When it was finally EOD he voted Intensify, saying: you can't just ignore intensify because of apprentice and because "it gives no info" (P#2493) which is utter nonsense. Apprentice was townread by many, and the point of exe’ing people is either to kill wolves or to get as much info from a town’s death. Then, when he saw Derps’ wagon rising, he just sheeped saying oh pog /vote derps (P#2500). If this isn’t opportunistic, I don’t know what is.
  • [EliThePsycho]: At first, I was townleaning him, but then I got swept up Centuries’ AtE. The sole reason why I am scumleaning him is because he was upped by CRich. He didn’t give CRich his reads, and according to Centuries, his reads are awful backed up by a huge lack of logic (P#2598).

Tyron has also died! He was. . .

Seamus Finnigan

Hogwarts Student - Vanilla

You have no abilities but a loud voice, best use it to your advantage.

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Day has started, and will end at 2020-09-28T16:30:00Z

(Sorry for the late start, I was trying to work something out)

I’m gonna shut up until someone says something because holy fuck guys

fortunently i was not roleblocked
i have no idea what my info means
oh and centuries who did ya target
…let me guess, you targetted Zone


No, Gorta

@an_gorta_pratai c’mere nerd

Also you shading me is really weird knowing what happened last night

i shaded you?

I mean, “Oh I guess you targeted Zone hhaah” is really weird knowing what info I got last night

/vote Eli

Out your info already

i can’t tell if it was a greencheck or a yellowcheck or a redcheck
or even a whitecheck
so im not sure

I will commit suicide tonight due to murdering a Town member. Dammit.

what info could you possibly have gotten as a friendly neighbor?


dang it wazza
stop shooting (presumably) Tyron