Help me with feedback/advice on my SFoL setup

The Visionary :crossed_swords: :shield:

Blue Dragon Special
Impenetrable Guard - Death Immune at Night.
Undercover Rebel (Passive) - You will appear as a class of your choice which you can inform the host which you would like, to investigators until the start of night 4, upon which you will appear as a Visionary. Additionally if you are the original Visionary and die, the youngest non killing Blue Dragon member will become the new Visionary. If there is no non Killing Blue Dragons, it will instead be the Youngest Blue Dragon Killer. There can always be a second visionary unless the original visionary dies as the last member of the Blue Dragon. A third visionary will never happen, however.
Avenge (Day) - You will turn into the Heroine when you use this ability. Target Blue Dragon player will become the new Visionary. - 1 use (shared) - Cannot use when any Blue Dragon Killers are living
Call to Arms! (Day) - Call the Blue Dragon to arms, empowering them tonight. The Blue Dragon will receive a message when this is activated. The individual effects can be found on each class card. - Infinite Uses, 2 day cooldown.
Persuade (Night) - Persuade someone to join the Blue Dragon. - Infinite uses, 1 day cooldown, except to convert a fourth member to the Blue Dragon, in which case that is a two day cooldown.
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Arbiter :crossed_swords: :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Special
Battle-Tested (Passive) - Immune to every possible form of death except a lynch or a duke execution. This passive is a form of supreme protection that bypasses normal death immunity bypassing attacks.
Inside Seclusion (Passive) - You will appear as a class of your choice which you can inform the host which you would like, to investigators until the start of night 4, upon which you will appear as an Arbiter. Additionally if you are the original Arbiter and die, if and ONLY IF the current Champion is the original champion, they will become the new Arbiter. Otherwise, there will never be a second arbiter, and there can never be a third.
Imperial Urgency (Day) - Become the Champion at the start of the night; if there is a current champion, if they are the original champion, they will become the new Arbiter; if not, they will become their convert class again. Cannot be used before day 4 (1 use).
Entrust (Night) - Convince someone to join the Hand of Byzantum. - Infinite uses, 1 day cooldown, except to convert a fourth member to the Hand of Byzantum, in which case that is a two day cooldown.
Imperial Judgment (Night) - Select a player and guess their class. If they are not Unseen or you are wrong, nothing happens. If they are unseen and you are correctly, this player’s logs will not show to the court but you and only you will be privy to them if they die sometime within the next two nights. You also cannot clean their flip, but can change the class they flip as to anything you would like, if you want to. - 2 uses, 2 night cooldown.
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Heroine :crossed_swords: :shield:

Blue Dragon Killer
Vengeance (Day) - Your attack will pierce night immunity tonight. - 0 uses, Gains 1 use for each dead member of the Blue Dragon.
Slit Skin (Day) - Targeted player will bleed and die in 2 nights unless healed. - 3 uses (shared)
Eliminate (Night) - Kill a target player if they are a member of the Unseen. If they are a neutral, they will instead be occupied. You will know which happened. - Infinite uses.
Valiant Smite (Call to Arms | Night) - Kill a target player, regardless of faction, bypassing any and all forms of immunity. You will take their journal, making it appear as though they didn’t leave one, and you will be able to read it. - 2 uses. (shared)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

all I know is that it is cancellarius in latin and a masculine-only word

Looks like a remnant of the town version of the class.


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ok that sucks sorry


Correct on the former, removed

Idk, I’m much better at bashing at obviously bad stuff than offering actual constructive critisicm lol.

Since it looks like an anti claim thing, it seems a little useless to clean the flip, maybe, since it would be obvious.

The Champion :crossed_swords: :shield:

Hand of Byzantum Killer
I am the Hand (Passive) - If you were a previous class before becoming the Champion, choose one limited use ability with 2 or more starting uses from any of your previous classes and gain it again as the Champion, with one fewer use than it began with in its original class.
Swift Swipe (Day) - Targeted player will bleed and die in 2 nights unless healed. - 3 uses (shared)
Merciless Attack (Night) - Attack a player with the might of your blade - Infinite uses.
Supreme Strike (Night) - Attack two players in the same night. - 1 use. (shared)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Fair, the clean was kind of bad, removed

The Agent

Hand of Byzantum Investigative
Go Undercover (Day) - Activate a Sleeper Agent to pursue a player sneakily into the night. They will discover who a player visits and who visits them at the end of the night. - 2 uses.
Secret Service (Night) - Employ your secret service to keep tabs on three specific players tonight. If any of them target one another, you will learn exactly what ability(s) was/were used, from who within these three and onto who within these three - Infinite uses
Untraceable (Night) - Your efforts as an agent are so effective that no one can trace you or your team. Hide the entirety of the Hand of Byzantum from any and all investigative checks for the night. - 1 use
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Feel free to make edits anytime; i’m seeking the most balanced setup feasible.

he’s prince, right

up to you

could be fun with a convertible prince, but it depends

Now for HoB Convert Classes

The Socialite

Hand of Byzantium Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for Emperor will count twice.
The Woman Behind the Hand (Passive) - You will appear as Unseen to faction checks and will be promoted straight to Arbiter if the Arbiter dies, regardless of when they die or if the Champion is still alive. This passive is not lost when you are promoted to a Champion, only when you become the Arbiter.
Guest List (Day) - By the end of the coming night, you will know how many players of each faction visited you. - 2 uses
VIP List (Day) - By the end of the next night you will know which players visited the Arbiter that night. - 3 uses
Social Links (Night) - Select two players and you will receive a positive result providing both targets’ class type groupings match. Groups are Special/Investigative, Social/Support, and Killer/Offensive. You will receive either no match if they are from different groups, a good match if they are in the same group, and a perfect match if they are the same class type. - Infinite uses
Faction Links (Night) - Removes the cool-down on the Arbiter’s Convert the next time they successfully convert a second or third player, or reduces the cooldown for converting a fourth player from 2 to 1 night. - One use
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Bard

Hand of Byzantium Support
Goldentongue (Passive) - The Bard will appear as Unseen for faction checks.
Pure Wits (Day) - In the coming night you will be immune to being occupied at night and immune to target changing. - 3 uses
Crescendo (Night) - Select a Hand of Byzantum and for this night and they will be shown as Unseen for faction checks. - Infinite uses
Allegro (Night) - If your target is redirecting, occupying, or attacking, then their night actions will be guaranteed to succeed this night. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Maybe put colors next time, just a small suggestion

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I want to but have no idea how since i’ve never used colors
Anyone know the correct color code for unseen, HoB, and BD, and how to implement it?
As well as the standard neutral color