Hippo's Community Roast Mafia: Hippo's Farewell [Everyone Wins!]

Same but with the Ace Attorney games.

I remember way back when I was allowed discord (long time I know) I would scream

‘AMINE OUT’ when anyone posted that anime stuff in the ToL discord.

I’m pretty sure @Ashe went and gave me a biology lesson about how important Amine was.

My handle was Entrusted back then.

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I just screamed WEEEEB or posted Image result for weeb alert
whenever that happened.
I’m still on the Discord howeverNOASHEPLEASE

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Look at my title
They live on



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LUL i just realized that Sarun and Solic share an NK card XD

Are there two Neut Cits now or did I get replaced? :^)

Wait, three Neut Cits?! What?!

/join Instead If I still can


Was debating if I should and yes, I should lel

/slides my ass in AKA join

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it might as well be that he’s dead

what the fuck livicus

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but he shall always be remembered

(I’m not morbid)


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more named neut cits



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One more Spot needed.

2 spots

Alfa and Math joined, we just need 1 more.