Hippo's Community Roast Mafia: Hippo's Farewell [Everyone Wins!]

@MaximusPrime over here ._.

Have thy read what god has said, Lux of the Marl?

It’s not that but obviously it wouldn’t do for the revealed “King” to be 95% not town

if alfa is ek, that’s scary af cause she can get 3 votes tho

welp, time to gamble that she rolled gk then

What are you talking about? It’s Maximus prime so it is clearly better.

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Actually nah
We hang Alfa anyway
Because there’s no penalty for hanging a GK

So the odds are 40/40/20 meaning 60% chance of scum, i love those odds

Nah that just comes with Salt :pensive:

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I will claim my name.

@Livicus I haven’t gotten a classcard

so it’s still a 100% chance of evil king, change my mind

This is a problem :frowning:

I hereby proclaim with my deity status Livicus fix this!!

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why r u like this

my god he forgot to sign you up


Lynch Fake Marl, Put Math in, cause he our lord and Savior and the real Marl.

I want my name

/vote Marcus
No u

Oh shoot we didn’t see your /in


standby for re-roll or are you okay with being first backup


I will fight you