Hippo's Community Roast Mafia: Hippo's Farewell [Everyone Wins!]

Are you 26?

hah so you’re still younger than me get rekt

lower >21


Is this my divine punishment?

1 Like

just read that before posted suminasen

literally all of us rn lol

Ur divine punishment is being the day one lynch

@MaximusPrime vote Insanity

Well you’re m’ dad so:boy_shrugging:

/vote insanity

Hippo’s Casket Funeral Attenders Numbers
Marcus Bin 1/9
Insanity Marl, Marcus, Alfa, Squid, Luxy, Maximus 6/9

Good thing I don’t get many notifications here (Too bad I’m too important to be afk)



Maximus the mystical double voter

Vote insanity

/reveal as Mayor

I already voted Insanity, bucko

Ye Im twendy

Don’t be biased, luxy.

Just because I post something doesn’t mean you should lynch me .-.

Inb4 D1 mislynch. Ah well that happens all the time.

so ur a double voter too