Hippo's Community Roast Mafia: Hippo's Farewell [Everyone Wins!]

your hints make no sense btw

but… eevee?

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Yeh im just guessing for likes :man_shrugging:

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Ah! Solic/Sarun!

You’re neutral to Alice, but you hate Solic ez

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Anyways I’m also leaving for the night. @Pug, I trust you will keep up with the VC.


Sometimes I didn’t have the right stuff in my mind, lul.

I ISO Marg’s hunter play for fun when I’m bored

She actually tried so hard that game I nearly forgot it was Celeste I was ISOing

That statement is closer

I really wonder if I have some mental issue :stuck_out_tongue:

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That statement is close to the original intent

someone might’ve guessed it already, might not have though (my character)

From FoL15 ofc

This is more applicable to Solic now than Sam

ehhh debatable


Lower < 21 is proper maths

Please don’t mess up Math

No because in ministry, hippos game, I did an amazing test in htm and he turned out to be bd after the game when I death tunneled him

Hippo’s Casket Funeral Attenders Numbers
Marcus Bin 1/9
Insanity Marl, Marcus, Alfa, Squid, Luxy, Maximus 6/9

If only insanity was at l-1

I thought you said there was no d1 lynch

Litten dropped one because of all the weird furry/fanfic/shipping going on

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Fucking heathen thots

Although nothing will probably come out of the votecount, Day 1 is mostly meant just for confirming

consider this trial RVS? :man_shrugging: