Hippo's Community Roast Mafia: Hippo's Farewell [Everyone Wins!]

For Hippo…

In loving memory of our fallen brother, @Hippolytus, we have decided to host this final will that he left for us, his magnum opus.

:arrow_right: Hippo’s Community Roast Mafia - Has Other Class Cards :arrow_left:

Co-Hosts are @Kirefitten and @Pug

You guys know this stuff




Days will be 3 IRL days long, or shorter if someone dies
Nights will be 1 IRL days long
Actions are done by messaging a host or co-host
Lost Scum have no chat because of MEMEZ
When you receive a card you will have 24 hours to reply, confirming you have received it


To accuse someone say “/accuse [player]” or “/vote [player]
When someone is on Trial they will be able to post a 1000 character defense through me, during this time no-one should post, everyone will then vote Guilty or innocent by messaging me
After the votes are revealed, the King has 24 hours to choose to allow or veto the vote, if the king does not respond the vote is allowed
Executions end the Day
Trials pause the counter


Feedback is based on your abilities
But otherwise, EFOL style feedback will be used


Message me your entire log, the last draft I receive before you die shall be the one displayed

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want

Fixed Cards

Note: SCUM has been changed so that if a Lost Scum joins the chat, and then is not the oldest SCUM, they will still be able to communicate with the new Icibalus. Marl’s align rates have been changed to 60% BD 30% Lost Scum 10% Neut


Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon/Random Neutral
Random Blue Dragon/Random Neutral
Random Neutral
Neutral Killer


  1. Maximus
  2. Insanity - Marluxion
  3. Marl
  4. Marcus
  5. Luxy
  6. Ici
  7. Htm
  8. Bin
  9. Nerbins
  10. Blizer
  11. Squid - Hippolytus :sob:
  12. Alfa
  13. Math
  14. Noz
  15. Sam
  16. Poke
  17. Celeste


Day 1 Begins: Insanity is Marl’s Double
Day 2: Death of Hippo



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needs a fix

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Did ya guys add some abilities in some of the role though :stuck_out_tongue:

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fix memesky and celeste lul


we touched nothing

in honor of HIppo

okay will probably work on that

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Celeste and Memesky are exceptions y’know




Me too Dad,

@Livicus do a BD class roasting me

This is Hippo’s game

and are you in?

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pronoun: nothing ; plural noun: nothings

not anything; no single thing.

“I said nothing”

synonyms: not a thing, not anything, nil, zero, naught/nought; More

In hindsight, I should’ve just taken a screenshot and posted it instead


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nah dont add classes just add something to the ones that do nothing (except the cit classes like squid :^)


are we actually making marl 75% ek tho

cause like

kinda unfun for the person that gets it

Fine, a named citizen

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probably not we should change it

Noot Cit

Two new classcards will be added based on @Margaret and @Memesky