Homestuck FM - Dead chat

no, but lylo

…wait scum can still ita…


Might be a good idea to turn off strifing

I’m not sure I believe 6 anti-town in an 18er

English=ancient (2x pairity)?

where is all this dead interaction :frowning:


inb4 dead interaction is everyone joining this chat after town inevitably loses lylo

How else do you explain the LYLO?

Also, if scum didn’t have 2 KPNs, then how do you explain math’s and Appel’s attack on N1, and your (ash’s) and Marshal’s attack on N2?

It can’t be rampage, but if it’s PGO then that would mean that scum has both rampager and PGO, which is… scumsided as hell.

appel’s thing could be fake, like I said

and also remember, conroy was the maf universal backup. He might have taken lights role

:^) :^) :^)

who knows

wait nvm he wasn’t unibackup

appel is still super wolfy so I think her death could be fake

so that’s 1 maf KP n1

Night 2 We had conroy die (bleed), someone die from factional, someone die from claimvig, and we are missing 1 death

could be explained by a few things so i’m still not locktowning appel

appel death is like weirdest part of the game :^)

Not even surprised that Centuries was scum and no idea how he could’ve been reading Zone as town when Zone openwolfed EoD1. After all, Centuries had that BS read on me SoD1. I really should’ve kept up my push on him.

non wolf open wolfed :^)

also while you were right for sring me

your argument never gets me killed :^)

And Ash, next time, don’t push on townies. You knew better than anyone that I could’ve been telling the truth.

Your push on me was pretty BS though. Not even upset though since you were scum, so of course you wanted me dead.

I bet Kyo and Hammer are members of the scumteam though.

execute host in lylo is big brain