Homestuck FM - Dead chat

when it runs in like 5 months

I wish I would’ve been there to hammer. You were almost there Cent

man when i killed 75% of thread 2 while being bled :^) and we had maj minus 2 on the other one

still think some town roles were off balance

what would’ve been hilarious is if wolves outed d2 in the 8 person thread

you had majority w/ me

But… you would’ve become a VT eventually?

also wtf was your role and why did it exist

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I can leave the game when I win

I saw that simon tried to claimvig me. Silly Simon I’m death immune

I felt really bad for Zone here.
I felt like he was very underpowered

I was reading my classcard and hadn’t read my last passive so I thought that I wouldn’t be able to out info due to claimvig. Then I read my last passive

its like reverse dgadt when mafia was underpowered for op nk

can we stop adding nks if it kills game balance

claimvig self



they swapped Simon and Kyo

and he was 100% to get his own role right

right that exists

the best part is that Appel could bus drive an unlimited amount of people per use

dunno why they didnt do that

Can we just
stop adding NKs

they did. they swapped Simon+Kyo and Appel+Mist