Homestuck FM - Dead chat

prettttty sure Marshal is maf

but I wasn’t willing to push him since my thread was pretty weak

I’m trying to decide if Marshal+Hammer is both scum

It’s almost a certainty that he’s maf in my mind.

like I could see a world where Marshal is town, but I doubt it

I agree. …to be honest, everyone from Thread 2 except gorta and Cent is pretty much scummy FMPOV.

  • Kyo had the BS “kill Cent” agenda.
  • 4x4 is either a newb, or literally… how do I say this nicely… “bad at playing the game”.
  • ash4fun didn’t die N1 despite me attacking him, and got a host message that I was non-town? WTF?

Oh. I saw some bits of Thread 1. I didn’t pay enough attention though, so I don’t actually know what the gamestate is aside from the fact that Hammer and Marshal wanted Apprentice 100% dead.

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The one thing I dislike the most about Kyo is that he’s acting like he actually defended me hardcore. He barely defended me at all. In fact, I’m willing to bet that Kyo wanted me dead more than anyone else, even Zone, did, because he believed me about everything I said. I literally had to remind him about telling everyone about how I was in other games on Discord, and he only mentioned it once and that’s all. I’m willing to bet he only defended me in order to look good when I flipped town.

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I think remaining scum is probably:

Hammer or idk who the 2nd from that thread would be
Kyo or Centuries

Could very well be. I love how the dead chat is finally getting more active too. It was basically dead until Zone’s yeet. Thanks for helping to liven this place up Zone.

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oh wait 4x4 isn’t town maybe

You will lose that bet. There is nobody -not even scum!Kyo- who wanted you dead more than me on D1. Having a dead Modeshifter was a nice bonus, even though I dunno where it came from.

With how Kyo acted, I’m not so sure.

No one knows how Mode died, not even the scumteam or Mode himself.

Centuries self-res N2. If he dies: He is town. If he lives: He is scum. Bad logic maybe, but doctor has to reveal D3 in order for Cent to live on as town.

No problem. I kinda predicted that -since we killed off the talkative players- the deadchat will get a bit more livelier. You’re welcome!

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…what? …again, what?
–I just checked the logs.
@Aelin, are you serious?

By the way @Apprentice, I think this would represent me best in this game:

Couldn’t even kill anyone in the end. What a shame.
I loved the flavor, even though I don’t get the context.

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Laughs So true. Let’s have another truce between us too. To last until the next game where we’ll likely be at each other’s throats again for at least some of the time that we’re alive. We’ll have to remember to be at each other’s throats even if we’re both members of the groupscum team too or else people might be like Leafia and Zone not being at each other’s throats? It’s.confirmed. they’re groupscum together.

You’re welcome and thanks for writing it.

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Deal. I am in for some peace and silence.

Hm… Yeah, I can see this happen very easily.
Well to be fair, I wouldn’t have the need to aim for your neck if you were less LAMIST and more focused on reading others instead of defending yourself and proclaiming that you are town and such.

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Yeah, I should probably start doing that more. It’s something I should definitely work on.

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